Chapter 45

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On the same night at Eiji's place, both men are so tired doing their project nonstop as Eiji laying on the floor while Seiyu sleeping on the sofa. As both of them sleeping soundly, suddenly the sound of the doorbell of Eiji's house wakes them up.

"Eiji! Door!", said Seiyu while throwing the pillow at Eiji since he was so lazy to wake up from his sleep cause of tiredness. Feeling sleepy overwhelmed him, Eiji still wakes up from the floor and straight to his door house.

As he opens the door, the figures of two familiar men are having a shocked expression on their faces as they stare at the red-haired man.

"Dude!! You look so...erm....dead?", said the gray-haired man which is Seiyu and Eiji's senior named Hakari Kei. Eiji yawned first before he asked his senior the reason they were doing here at his house.

"What are you doing here, Hakari-san.", asked Eiji.

"To check on you two. If you guys are still alive or not.", said Hakari.

"Please get in. Sorry if it's so messy.", said Eiji while inviting both of his senior inside his house.

"Woah! Did Seiyu still alive?", asked Hakari as he looks at how tired the black-haired guy is.

"Sadly, he still alive.", said Eiji until the pillow was suddenly thrown at him by Seiyu, causing their senior to shock.

"The fuck you mean sadly? Do you fucking want me to die?", asked Seiyu in annoyance.

"Man! Just joking, okay! Jeez!!", said Eiji while pouting his mouth.

"Haha! These best friends. They sure get along pretty well.", said Hakari with a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry! BUT YOU GUYS REALLY JUST IGNORE MY EXISTENCE?!!", shout another man behind Hakari, causing the three of them to focus on him.

"Oh! Since when you're there, Izami-san?", asked Seiyu.

"The fuck?! Since I came here with Hakari of course!!!", said Izami to them all.

"Sorry. I didn't see you.", said Eiji with a straight face while Izami gasped so dramatically at them all.

How could you forget such beautiful existence as me...", said Izami while sweeping the fake tears on his eyes, while Hakari, Eiji, and Seiyu looked at him in disgust and disbelief.

"Alright! Whatever! Anyway, Seiyu.", call Izami.


"You didn't contact Haru-chan? I mean, she looks like she doesn't know what you're been doing.", said Izami.

"Oh...yeah...I was so focused on the project that I forgot to contact her.", said Seiyu while massaging his forehead.

"How about you talk with her. She must miss you a lot, you know? I mean, I did have a sister before and she misses me a lot even I just leave her only for one day. Hehe...", said Izami with a smile on his face, causing the three to look at him in guilty.

"Okay...I will call her.", said Seiyu while smiling at the guy.

"Great! Be a good brother, Seiyu! Listen to this senior of you.", said Izami so proudly.

"Suck senior as ever.", said Seiyu.

"SHUT UP!!!", shout Izami back Seiyu while the rest of them just burst into laughter.

"Hey! We brought some food for you two. Let's eat together.", said Hakari.

"You guys go first. I want to call my sis first.", said Seiyu.

"Okay.", answer Hakari with Eiji and Izami already walking towards the kitchen.



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