Chapter 18

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After those chaotic days, Haru just spent her time at her apartment as she couldn't open her cafe because it has to rebuild back as it was completely destroyed by the last fight. She just plays with her phone until her eyes are on the dates that are shown on her screen phone.

'19th June....', her thoughts until suddenly someone knocked on her room door, causing her to look at her brother who leaned against the door with a smile on his face.

"Wanna go visit it?", asked Seiyu.

"Sure.", said Haru while smiling back at Seiyu.


"It's been a long time we came here, right?", asked Seiyu while walking up the stairs with his sister following up with him from behind.


"I think this will be our limits now. We shouldn't go up there.", said Seiyu while staring at the shrine.

"Haha...yeah...or else we will meet up with them all.", said Haru. "Since today... where are they will open their time capsule on the anniversary of Toman's formation.", she said while smiling softly at the shrine which is a place all for all former members of Toman, are waiting for the last person to come.

"Takemichi and Chifuyu know about the whole truth, right?", suddenly Seiyu asked as the both of them just sitting at the stairs.

"Yeah. I did tell them everything. And I even told them that I will not interfere with the storyline anymore.", said Haru.

"Let me guess..they disappointed?", said Seiyu which Haru just nodded her head with a smile on her face as the answer. "Well, what can we even do though. There's nothing to change in the future.", said Seiyu.

"Yeah...", answered Haru. "This place.... I miss all of those moments...those feelings....", said Haru while smiling sadly as she looked at the whole place where's Toman members will be grouped together for every meeting was held. Recalling back all the moments of her teenage time, being a member of Toman and as their 2nd Guardian. Her memories of Mikey being the leader of Toman and how bright he is during that time.

"I wonder if that brat was on top of the building, right now....overlooking the city by himself.", said Seiyu while looking at the full moon that shines up at tonight together with Haru.


After the meeting, Takemichi and Chifuyu walked down from the place and follow up with everyone from behind until that they saw a familiar face near the place which one of them are smiling and waving her hand to them.

"Haru-san.", call Takemichi after seeing the girl. Takemichi then turn to look at Chifuyu and the both of them nodded at each other. Chifuyu then leaves together with the rest while Takemichi walks closer to Haru and Seiyu.


"Hey, Takemichi. Nice to meet you again.", said Haru with a smile on her face.

"Haru-san, could it be you're here because of...", said Takemichi.

"Yeah. Your time capsule. And today is the anniversary of Toman formation after all.", said Haru while smiling softly at the man.

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