Chapter 27

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From Yuna said that she will guide Haru to the place that she's probably will love it, Haru just let the girl bring her to the place. As they finally arrived at the place, Haru was so awkward and speechless at the same time, she right now just standing at the sidedness with Yuna clinging to her arm. Well, Haru probably won't expect that she will step her fucking feet at NIGHTCLUB.


Seeing many people dancing like crazy under coloring light. She even saw some people are drinking alcohol. It's not like she's never drinking once, but she is no fan of alcohol. Haru also realizes that some men are eyeing her as she just ignores the stare.

"Yuna...this place is kinda.....", said Haru as she was really uncomfortable with the place.

"Come on, Haru-chan!! Just ignore those people that eye on you! Let's have our time together!!!", said Yuna while dragging Haru to the center.

With Yuna dancing with the crowd, Haru just finding a way to get out of the place as she accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry.", said Haru as she looks at the man who has white hair with blue eyes that keep staring at her in dazed.

'Fuck! She's so damn pretty!', the man thought as he still stared at Haru's face without blinking with a blush on his cheek. "Oh! It's okay! Don't worry!"

Haru bowed at the man again and was about to leave the place until the man suddenly grabbed her wrist, causing Haru to turn and look at him.

"Ermm...wanna go for some drink?", asked the man, which Haru just stares at him. The man gets more blushing as Haru stares at him with her beautiful clear ocean blue eyes. For some reason, he getting more high up just looking at Haru's face. 'Shit!', his thoughts.

Haru was about to reject the offer until Yuna suddenly come and accept it, causing Haru to look at her in disbelief and shock.

"Yuna!", whisper Haru to the brown hair girl.

"He obviously interested in you! Plus, he was really handsome! You should give it a try!", said Yuna while blinking her left eye to Haru. Yuna then, pushed Haru to the table with the man also following up with them.

As Yuna was busying having chatting with the man, Haru just quietly waiting for her drink to come.

"Haru-chan!", call Yuna, causing the blonde hair girl to look at her and the white-haired man. "Let's get to know each other, okay?! And let me introduce him to you, Haru-chan! His name is Makoto Shimuro. And Shimuro-kun, meet Kazuki Haru!", said Yuna while introducing both of them. Haru just smiled at the man as he also smiled back at her.

"So! I will leave both of you to have chitchat, okay?!", said Yuna while leaving Haru and Shimuro alone at the table.

"Yuna!!", call Haru to the girl but unlucky she has already disappeared in the crowd. Haru can just let out a small sigh as she doesn't know how she should do at that moment.

"You really have a fun friend.", said Shimuro, getting the attention of Haru.

"She really so straightforward and like a child.", said Haru with a smile on her face.

"Even so, she really funs to hang out, right?", asked Shimuro to the girl, which Haru just smiled at it and says...

"Yeah...I guess really don't feel bad....", said Haru.

At the clubhouse keeps on going with the music all around the place, Haru just staring at the people who enjoy dancing without realizing that Shimuro was staring at her with a smile on his face. Observing how beautiful the girl in front of him. Suddenly Haru feels like her hair was being touched as she turns aside to see Shimuro was playing with her blonde hair.

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