Chapter 3

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The sound of birds chirping outside of her apartment in the morning could be heard as the girl with black hair is still laying on her bed and staring quietly at the ceiling of her room.

"I'm not dreaming about it this time....", she said as she keeps on staring at the ceiling.

It's a weekend and Haru didn't open up her cafe on the weekends, so she will stay in her apartment and do nothing special at all. Getting a bath and cooking for her and her brother breakfast is normal daily life for her.

Finish preparing for their breakfast, Haru walks to her brother's room and knocks on his door room.

"Nii-chan! Breakfast is ready.", said Haru and then walks back to the dining table as she waits for her brother to come.

After a few minutes, the figure of the man with black hair comes closer to the dining table, looking so messy and sleepy.

"At least wash your face, nii-chan.", said Haru, but Seiyu just ignores his sister and just enjoyed the breakfast with the sleepy-looking face. As she completely was ignored by her brother, Haru rolled her eyes in annoyance and shook her head.

"I will go out to buy some food for Lily after this.", said Haru as she told her brother that she will go out to buy some food for their cat. Seiyu just nodded his head to what his sister said while continuing eating his breakfast with the sleepy-looking face.


"I will go out now, nii-chan! Take care of Lily!", said Haru.

"Yeah...yeah...", said Seiyu who sitting on the couch with Lily on him while watching the television together.

Hearing the answers from her brother, Haru went out to buy Lily's food at the pet shop near their apartment. But sadly, the shop didn't open up today. Haru let out a small sigh as she couldn't get the food for her cat. She then checked on her phone, trying to find another pet shop that was nearest to her right now.

"Oh! Good thing that there's are nearest pet-shop around here.", said Haru as she starts to walk to the destination. After a few minutes of walking, she finally arrived as she stands in front of the shop.

"I guess this is the place then.", she said. Haru then walks into the shop, observing the shop as she looks for the owner of the shop, until a voice greets her, causing Haru to turn and look at the man who has short under-cut black hair.

"Yes? Do you need anything?", asked the man.

"Oh! Are you the owner?", asked Haru.

"Yes.", said the man while smiling at her. "And do you need anything?", he asked.

"I want to buy food for a cat.", said Haru to the owner of the shop.

"Sure. You can look over the side there for a cat's food.", said the man while pointing at the shelf with different kinds of cat's food on it.

"Thank you."

Haru walks toward the shelf and tries to choose a cat food that is suitable for her cat until she feels something clingy at her feet.

"Oh!", she is surprised as she looks down at her feet to find out that there is a cat clingy at her feet. "Hey, cute of you.", said Haru as she knees down and pats on the cat's head. As she keeps on playing with the cat, suddenly she feels some strange feelings as she keeps on staring at the cat.

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