Chapter 68

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As the both of them are staring at each other, it was a silent awkward between them. So, Keiji decided to start the conversation first.

"May I sit there?"

"Ahh..sure, I guess?"

Hearing what the girl said, Keiji immediately sits in front of Haru as he also starts to sip his hot coffee and just does his things. Although they didn't even talk with each other, the whispers of people in the cafe could be heard by Haru.

"Oh my, he really handsome, right?"

"The girl is also pretty!"

"Are they a couple?"

"Seem to be so! They look perfect with each other."

"I know, right?!"

People couldn't stop gossiping about her and Keiji. And it makes Haru lil bit uncomfortable with it.

"Anyway, Kazuki-san. Why are you alone today? Where is your fiancé?", he asked which the last words sound like making fun of it.

"Oh...he just...busy with some works.", said Haru while smiling awkwardly at the guy. Hearing what the girl said, Keiji smirk lil bit which Haru didn't see it. "Are you okay?"


"Your face doesn't look fine. That's why I'm asking you.", said Keiji with a smile and worried expression on his face.

"Does it....look obvious?", asked Haru awkwardly.

"Yeah. If people see your face, they might think that I do bad things to you.", he said while letting out a chuckle which Haru flinch at what he said.

"Sorry. Well...I might kinda have some problems lil bit.", she said.

"What is it?", asked Keiji while Haru looks at him with hesitation. "Haha, you don't need to tell me if you don't want to.", said Keiji.

"Thank you."


Then, they started to talk about random things which Haru feels lil bit better after worrying about Mikey cheating on her. Many hours has already passed which Haru didn't realize how long she had been cafe with Keiji. It's getting late now which Haru decides to go back.

"Sorry, Miyako-san but I have to go back now.", said Haru while bowing her head lil bit.

"Sure, Kazuki-san."

Then Haru stands up from her seat and walked towards the cashier to pay. As she was about to pay, she feels like someone was behind her which she turns aside to see Keiji's face who was closer to her, causing Haru to flinch lil bit.

"Haha~ sorry if I scared you. But I will be paying it.", he said while taking out the black card and giving it to the man in front of them, who staring at the card in surprise.

"Erm...sir, do you perhaps have cash instead?", said the man while smiling awkwardly at Keiji.

"Sorry, I don't bring cash with me.", he said while smiling awkwardly at the man. Seeing the purple hair guy having a hard time paying, Haru let a small laugh which get the attention of both of them.

"Seem I ended up paying it.", said Haru while smiling warmly which caused Keiji's heart to beat very fast by her smile. He turns away to hide his red face while Haru was paying for both of their drinks.

"You two really look perfect with each other. Hope your relationship goes well.", said the cashier man which Haru looks at him with an awkward smile.

"Haha, sorry. But we are not in a relationship. We just happened to know each other.". Explained Keiji which the cashier man was surprised by he said and immediately apologized.

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