Chapter 62

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After the introduction, both siblings just smile at the elders in front of them who look very awkward with their sudden appearance at the party. For many years, the Kazuki's children had never appeared at the party, so no one had ever met or seen how they look alike. No one expects that they turn out to be so damn handsome and beautiful.

All the young daughters of different families can't stop peeping at Seiyu who is obviously the type of many women crazy for while the young masters of different families are eyeing Haru nonstop as they couldn't set aside their eyes from her. No matter how long they stare at the two, their appearance was totally give different vibes.

"'s was nice to see the son of Kazuki here...hahaha.", said one of the elders who laughed awkwardly while Seiyu just put a smile on his face.

"Well, Thank you, elder Emioto.", responded Seiyu respectfully to the older man as he bow lil bit to him. The man lil a bit surprised though, they never met, but the young man knew him.

'Haha...yeah..sure...sure...", said Mr. Emioto while smiling awkwardly at Seiyu.

'I face all of you elder so many times already in the past so it's normal that I recognize all of you, selfish old men.', Seiyu thought which he still smiling at them all. Some of the other elders were not really happy with Seiyu appearing at the party, so they start to attack him.

"Anyway, young master Kazuki.", said one of the elders, getting the attention of Seiyu. "I heard that young master was working under someone else at some small Industri. Isn't that lil bit strange for an heir like you to work at that kind of place? Please tell this old man that it's just a rumor, there's no way a son of a businessman like Kazuki's will be working at some trashy place, right? weren't worthy enough for the position of heir.", he said which Seiyu's expression suddenly changed as he stares uninterestedly at the man who just making fun of him.

Mr.Kazuki wasn't satisfied with the questions as the man just mocked his son right in front of him. Haru wants to interfere but she trusts her brother that he can handle this without any problems. Hearing what the elder said, Seiyu's expression change again as he smiled innocently at them.

"So? What if it's true?", said Seiyu.

"Oh my, really? Aren't that wi-"

"Me working at another place doesn't mean that I'm an idiot that doesn't know anything about business.", said Seiyu, cutting the words of the older man as he stares coldly with a smirk on his face.

"Well, that's beca-"

"I might be working there to gain some experience before handling my father's company. As an only heir, I don't want to disappoint my father with such low key knowledgeable. The handling company wasn't something playground to do after all. You will never be capable of doing it with just knowledge. Experience also important", respond Seiyu, causing the elder to hard answer him back.

"Whatever I do in my life, it's has nothing to do with you all, right?. Please kindly stick yourself out of someone else's business.", he said with a smile on his face, but obviously, Seiyu was mocking them all back which caused all of them to piss and shock at the same time.

The assistant was holding his laughter and at the same time, he was also amazed by how Seiyu responded to those people mocking. Mr. Kazuki never thought that his son had this kind side of him but he didn't hide though how proud he is, looking at how his son easily handled those insults.

"How disrespectful of yo-"

"I'm deeply sorry if I had offended your feelings with my words.", apologies Seiyu immediately while bowing down lil bit to them, causing them hard to speak again. "However, I'm serious with what I said. Kazuki's business is our family problem to solve. An outsider shouldn't interfere with our business.", Seiyu answered it smoothly with a smile on his face, causing them to be more angrier but they can't even talk back at him.

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