Chapter Thirteen

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                                  Spencer's POV

    Damn. I'm so good at my job. Is it bad that I kind of missed this? The adrenaline rush is like no other. And the feeling of pulling off the perfect job? Ugh, there's none like it! I almost forgot how good it feels to complete a job.

No. I have a girlfriend. After the few days with Tony, it really put me on the right track, believe it or not. And I've decided I want to be good. I want a future with her. I want her. I repeat this a few times until the thoughts of the job were gone and replaced with previous nights adventures with Carol...

    Okay no, I really need to stay focused. I've retrieved the package, I just have to drop it off at the location they sent me. Easy enough, it'll only take a few seconds for me to teleport there. Then I'm off home to my girlfriend and hopefully in the lingerie I bought her while in New York. Yup, time to go.

   Off I teleport to the predesignated location. No one is suppose to be there. It's a no contact drop off and pick up. Once they have what they're looking for, they'll transfer me the money where I want it.

   I think I've mentioned before that I don't trust, right? Well that applies to just about everything, and it sometimes pays off. I don't go directly to the location. I land a little way out so I can walk up undetected, gun drawn just in case.

    Too much? Never. I make sure not to know who I'm working for. Not directly. I have an idea, sure. And I make sure I never grab anything world ending. I don't trust them, they may not trust me. So I always play it safe. I have my reputation to stand for me. But it doesn't exactly go both ways, especially since I'm never really sure who the employer is.

    Most of the time the reputation of my buyers, let's just say, wouldn't exactly bring a good feeling to anyone. Don't get all mad at me. I know I'm not innocent. I never claimed to be.

   But you don't know the whole story. And you probably never will. I don't let anyone that deep.

    Oh you're curious now? Well you know the red room? Hydra? There's more of them. There's a galaxy full. That's a whole lot of bad.

     And those bad guys? Well, all I'll tell you is that these sons of bitches had me dragged through the fire and then threw me to the wolves. Only to be brought back to do it again. Just for fun. Just to see.

   I'm only one person. I can only do so much. And when all you've seen is the bad? It's damn hard to convince yourself you can be apart of the good, if there was any.

    I got good at the scheming and the trickery and the planning of it all. Yeah, I have my powers. But there's more to it than that. The adrenaline rush and the success I had gave me something I didn't know was possible; a sense of purpose. And then once I had my reputation, once I realized I could really make it with this, it made it even easier to tell myself it was all fine.

    So yeah, I fell in with the rough crowd. But here's the thing; I've got these bitches right where I want them. They don't have a hold on me. I'm free to do what I want. Take the jobs I like. And the kicker is; they're the ones paying for my luxuries. They paid for the house my girlfriend and I live in. The toys, the traveling. All of it. All funded by the assholes trying to ruin the world.

    I know it's twisted but I was a kid and I had no other way. At least that's what I told myself. I thought they owed me some of the life that they had taken. It's how I thought I could twist their evil into something good. Taking from the big bad rich guys while I got to live a little.

    Really, I'm more like Robin Hood than my little friend Clint. Don't worry, I know I've got to change. Don't you remember I said I'm going to turn the right way, go the right track? I just have to ease my way out so there's no red flags. The last thing I'd want is to have them coming after me, or even worse, after Carol.

    So I do this right. Really make the ghost disappear for good. It's going to take some time but I'm in it for the long game.

    Enough. I can't think like this right now. I have to stay focused on the job so I make it back to her. None of these hopes I have for us, for our future, will matter if I mess up.

     For the most part, my reputation proceeds me and no one wants to mess with the Ghost. Still. And I know it's just a drop off but ya know, guards up. They wanted me to bring it to a house. It's a little odd but again I try not to get too much info. I'll just scope it out, make sure no one is inside, place it in the oven like they asked, and I'll be out. The money should roll into my account soon after.

    House is clear. I drop the package off. Walk out the doors. I walk a little ways out of view of anyone before I turn invisible, then teleport away.

    You really thought something bad was going to happen, didn't you?


    I've been at my safe house for two days, just waiting it out. Since I told Carol that it could be a little while based off of sales, investment jargon, and what not, I didn't want to rush home after half a day. I was also making sure I received my money before I left.

    Oh, where's my safe house? Ha yeah, I'm not going to tell you. It's called a safe house for a reason and I'm no damn rookie. I'm a broken record at this point, come on people.

   What have I been doing? Ah well, that I don't mind sharing. As I've mentioned before, I like to fix things. And it just so happens I'm pretty decent at building things. What'd you think I meant when I said I was good with my hands? Well, you dirty dog you. Who knew you had it in you. I'm a little proud.

    So anyway, I've taken this free time to build Carol a little rack for our helmets and jackets and shit. She's constantly ratting on me to to keep my shit picked up. Figured this way it's organized and we can both use it.

    I know, I've really turned into the ideal girlfriend, haven't I? Oh shut up. You know I'm not including being a thief + into the equation. Focusing on the good here.

    I'm done painting it to match our hallway so I'm just chilling on my couch- if you can really call it that. Cold mix drink in one hand, phone in the other. I called Carol earlier, assuring her I'd be home soon, just waiting for a transaction to go through. What, I'm not lying!

    As if the universe heard me, I get a ping on my phone that $50,000 was dropped into my encrypted off shore account. Don't worry, I have legit accounts too. I do some real investing with the bad money. What can I say, I like to be a jack of all trades.

   This means that once the paint has dried on the helmet/jacket rack, I'll be good to beeline it for home. (Don't worry- I'll teleport it outside the house then have it 'delivered.')


    Just a few hours later, I'm doing just that. Making it back to my girlfriend after just a week of being away. Trust me that was long enough. There are multiple reasons why I've missed her..

    Luckily I'm home in a blink and opening the door to my girlfriend, immediately embracing each other in a hug and passionate kiss.

    You're really holding your breath for the ball to drop, aren't you?

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