Chapter Ten

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Spencer's POV
Italics is in Greek

It has now been almost a month since Carol and I made it official. Which is super exciting and I'm so happy we've already made it this far. I really want to do something special for Carol as she has just been an amazing girlfriend. She deserves the world.

Problem is, I have no idea what to give to her as I'm use to taking things from people and being very under the radar. So ya, it's the first time I've been in a relationship for a whole month. Or at all really.

Don't give me that look. When was I suppose to be in a relationship? You know my past. Well, you get my point. Point is, I haven't been in a relationship before.

Carol knew this going into it and she was totally fine with it. I may be a little.. bumpy.. when knowing what to do and not do. Not in the sense I'm with other girls, I'm not an idiot. But knowing when I should stay home with her instead of going out for a ride with some friends or making sure I pick up the groceries...

It's been a learning curve, but I'm getting there. And Carol has been so great in being patient with me and not throwing me in to the wall, which she could do and sometimes I wouldn't blame her if she did.

Anyway, the point is, she seriously deserves something special. Everyday is special with her so.. I win that one. The problem? I have no idea what the hell to do or get. What does one do for a month anniversary? I've been racking my brain trying to think of something and well, you can assume how well that's gone.

All of that brings us to right now. I'm standing in the middle of the Main Street at the town close to our home. (I know, I love saying it. Our home.) and I'm with Wanda. Yup, I flew her out here to help me. I don't want to blow this.

"Sooo did you have any ideas?" I ask Wanda. She laughs at me.

"Why don't we hear your ideas first?"

"I mean sure, but they all suck. She deserves more than I can get her. But I dunno, maybe a necklace? Or a new dress?"

"Oh boy. Well first, that's sweet. I think you're a better girlfriend than you're giving yourself credit for. Second, maybe the necklace. But come on, you know Carol fairly well. What do you think she'd like? And you can go outside the realm of the 'gifts to give your girlfriend for the one month anniversary' that I know you looked up online."

"Okay rude. What else was I suppose to do? I have no basis for anything here."

"Fair enough. It's adorable how much pressure you're putting on yourself, though. Whatever you do, Carol will like it because it's from you."

"Now that's just a cop out answer. 'They'll love it because it's from you' is bullshit. This pretty much shows how the rest of the relationship will go. If I get her something that isn't 'her' that just shows how little I know about her."

"Wow, you really do need to stop reading stuff online. Breath. It'll be fine. We've got the day, right? So let's just walk, talk, and look around. Something will make sense to get her. Alright?"

I exhale loudly trying to bring down my heart rate too. She's right, I seriously need to chill. "Yeah, that would be perfect. Thanks Wanda."

"It's my pleasure."

"No seriously. Thanks for flying out just to help me pick a gift. Thanks for calming me down. Thanks for being a really good friend that I desperately need right now."

"Awe. You're cute." I blush. "Spencer, you're a good person." Ha. "And a good friend, and girlfriend too. You're going through all of this to make sure she has a perfect day. It's really something. I'm glad I can be here for you."

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