Chapter Sixty Five

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                                     Yelena POV

       Thirty minutes later, Nat and I are in the kitchen along with Wanda, Tony, Bucky, Fury, and Steve. Nat is hardly acknowledging their existence, just moving around the kitchen as she makes some sandwiches.

       She finally breaks the silence, looking up to them mid slice of the said sandwich.

      "You only have until I'm done making our lunch, so you better make this quick."

      "Right. So, uh. Spencer. What happened?" Tony speaks up.

      Nat stiffens for a moment before continuing her movements. She gives me a quick, pleading look, and it's all I need to know that she wants me to answer this.

      I take a deep breath, "she was helping me on a mission." This immediately grabbed the attention of Fury, and warranted confused looks from the rest of them. "The last one you sent me on, Fury. That information grab? Yeah, they had agents by the dozens coming for us. Waited until we were in the building." This reminded me that I never gave Fury the thumb drive.

       "Sure, I got the information for you," I say as I reach into my pocket and hand the drive to Fury. Yeah, we had changed. But I was at least keeping my vest on. It was a gift from Spencer and I wasn't going to let go of it.

       "And it was only thanks to her. She risked her life.." my voice was raising, so I took a moment to bring it down. "She saved my life and risked her own. She is the only reason we made it out of there."

      "She shouldn't have been there in the first place!" Fury's harsh words hurt, making me flinch. "She isn't trained. She isn't an agent. It was suppose to be a solo mission!"

      I hardened my stare. I could also tell Nat was about to explode on Fury. Her motions stopped completely and I could tell she was trying to calm herself.

       "Don't try to take this from her. She kicked their ass. She took on dozens of men. She was trying to help! She was trying to be better!" I realize what I said right after I said it. I try to cover up my mistake. "If she wasn't there, I would be dead!"

      That brings the mood to another level. I'm not even sure what's happening right now. I know my blood is boiling and if any of these people make the wrong move or say the wrong thing, I'm going black widow on their asses. And I know Nat will be right behind me.

      This did shut Fury up as well. "You know Fury, it was your fault I was sent there in the first place. Don't try to make her out to be the bad guy here."

      "I am a little lost here. How did Spencer end up with you on a mission? I mean, isn't she just an investor of some sort?" Wanda asks some valid questions. They still annoy me though.

      I have to be as careful as I can here. Her questions are well founded, sure. But, with the answers to them, it'll raise more questions. I don't want to lie to them, really. I will just have to dance around anything that could convict Spencer as the Ghost.

      We're going to avoid them finding out for as long as possible. Yes, they did want to talk to them about it. But not yet. Not like this. Not with her here. Not in her condition.

      "Well.. she works with my dad, that's where I met her. We grew to become pretty close friends. We would train together. She had some impeccable skills. She could match me in a fight, the bullseye didn't exist when we were shooting," I started to gush at the end, knowing how incredible Spencer is.

       "So she can fight like a black widow. That still doesn't explain why she was on the mission. Especially since I wasn't informed," Fury has reigned in his attitude and is talking in a softer voice now.

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