Chapter One Hundred Fifty Five

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                                   Spencers POV

      It really didn't take too long to get everything set up, even with all of the things they had packed.

      Which was a lot.

      And that's coming from me.

      But, I'm not complaining. We should definitely have everything we need. And then some.

       Tents, blankets, sleeping bags, lights, pillows, food, so much food, drinks.. I mean, we're living pretty plush.

      But we're still out in tents, roughing it.

      It counts.

      We have two 12 person tents set up across from each other with some kind of thing connecting them. Then we have food and such in a separate place.


      Once all of the blankets and everything are situated, we got seated around the fire that Wanda started for us.

      They even brought stuff for s'mores.

      Yes, I know what they are.

      I've seen The Sandlot.

      'You're killing me, Smalls.'


      I'm on my third s'more, and I'm making them for anyone that wants one. I get to cook over a fire. And yeah, maybe it's a little fun.

      We've all been telling stories, mostly drunk ones where one of us did something stupid. Which is a lot.

      But it's good.

      We're all laughing. Almost like a normal group of people. With no past we want to hide. No powers. No hero responsibilities.

      Just a group of friends, camping.

      Alright, yes we're also drinking. I'm not so much. The whole being by the fire thing made it so I couldn't.

      Okaaay. So Nat didn't want me to drink if I was going to be around it.

      I don't blame her, though. I mean, we know my track record. I'm not the safest drunk. Or person..

      Any who.

      This camping thing is really living up to all the hype.

We also have some music playing and some of us are dancing around. I personally can't help but ask Nat to dance with me.

And I could stay like this forever, but we're eventually all brought to sit back down.

      "So.. we're going to play a game," Yelena says.

      "Okay, who let Tony hide in their suitcase?" Wanda calls out.

      Yelena sticks her tongue out at her. "It's a bachelorette party, mind you. We have to play games."

     "Alright, Lena. What do you got?" I encourage her.

     "Okay. So I found a 'never have I ever' but bridal party edition. I'm going to start with 'bottoms up if..' and if you've done what I say, you have to drink. The first one to take 10 drinks is the winner. Or loser. But probably the most drunk."

     "You guys are going to get druuuunk!" I yell out laughing.

     "Both brides - to - be get to answer, too. Don't think you get out of it because you're going to be married." Yelena has an evil smirk already.

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