Chapter Five

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Spencer's POV

       Carol had left and it was perfect timing. Almost like it was fate she left before I had to come up with some bullshit reason of why I had to go. She knows me as an investor, which isn't completely false as I have invested my money. She just probably wouldn't guess where I got the money to invest.

     Of course it's not really fate. I figured out rather quickly they were going to try and stop me. Which, ironically, I wouldn't be going if it weren't for them. But anyway, it's not like it was their first attempt or that it will be their last. Although, it was their first real shot of stopping me. If, of course, I didn't know. I'm not using Carol to make sure I don't get caught, promise. It just happened to work out really, really well this time. Plus, I didn't even know she was going to be helping until she showed up at my door. Er, pool.

    The thing is, they've all just fallen right where I want them. Sure hydra would love to have me on their side, you'd be dumb not to, but that's not what this meeting is. Hell, these hydra bums don't even know I'm coming. And that's all thanks to the avengers. It would have taken me a lot longer to find the bigwigs by myself. Thankfully, the avengers have the amenities to track people down and they're always so eager to help.

    Not that they know, specifically, that they're helping me. But they'll see that soon enough. Or they won't. Either way I have to go meet some people and I want to get it over with and back to my glorious house as soon as possible.

    I had recorded some videos of myself dancing and singing earlier to send to Carol. I was in a good mood and the playlist was top notch, okay? And I know Carol loves them. Also, I figured this was a good way to keep them off my scent. Not that I think I'm on their radar, but if for some reason they questioned me, this is like a little reassurance. I had one sent to her already and then I have one set to send to her in about 4 hours, about when we'll all be having our little surprise party. At a time, at least, that would make it impossible for me to be anywhere but in Greece.

   Like I said, she thinks I'm an investor. Definitely doesn't know about the invisibility or the teleportation. So it would be impossible for a normal person to be at that meeting with the time stamp of the video being sent. And I'm totally normal. In some aspects.

    I hate being sneaky and lying to her but really, we aren't going to be anything serious, right? I mean she is kind of my enemy even though she doesn't know it. Eh, whatever. Things for later thoughts. Or not.

   Right now I am going to teleport to the designated place the hydra psychos are suppose to meet whoever the fuck it was, but a few hours early so I can scope it out. I also may have pretended to be said person to make sure they made it at the time I wanted. Obviously I have trust issues, but I feel like I've earned them, ya know? And knowing the avengers would be there, this helps make sure they don't interrupt when I don't want them to.

   I have decided I'm going to back off on the big jobs, maybe go into hiding for a bit. Stay out of the lime light and therefore off the avengers radar. I know I told Carol to come back to me but I couldn't really mean it, could I? This was suppose to be the end for me; one of my most intricate plans executed to date. But how can I get out of this path? I did choose it and I don't really see anyway around it. This is who I am. The little vacation I had with Carol was a nice little daydream but that's all it was. It's all it can be. It'll save her and myself from any more heartache than we may have already sustained. It's better for everyone.

    That's my mantra to myself as I finish gearing up and teleport myself to the bitter ass cold that is found in Russia.

   It's better for everyone.

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