Chapter Fifty Five

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                                    Spencer's POV

       After a few more moments wrapped in each other's arms, confessing some mushy feelings that I was all but happy to reveal and hear, we got dressed and back on the bike.

       I have one more surprise for her and I'm really hoping she likes it. She's black widow and my best friends sister, I don't want to mess this up. And okay, I really like her. So I really don't want to mess this up. I've never been this nervous.

       Even though it's kind of a long ride, we get there quicker than I thought we would. I slow down into a parking space and stop. My heart is pounding out of my chest. Why am I this nervous? I shift so I can help her off the bike.

       I try to get a reading once she's taken her helmet off, but her expression is giving me nothing.

        I very slowly take off all my gear before I finally face her. She's just looking at it. Shit, did I mess up? I reach behind me and scratch my neck, clearing my throat to get her attention.

      "Is it that bad?"


                                        Nats POV

        We're at the next location of our date and I'm stunned. I'm just looking at it as she stands just inside my peripheral vision. I can't believe she even remembered this. She cleared her throat, peeling my attention off of the small building and over to her. She looks adorable as she scratches her neck in nervousness. She looks worried. Oh right, I haven't said anything.

      "Is it that bad?"

      "What? No! No. It's.. I can't believe you remembered? I thought you were absolutely wasted when we talked about this. I didn't think you'd remember anything about that night."

       "Of course I remembered. It was about you.." she drifts of at the end, speaking in a whisper.

       That does it. That breaks me. I can't control myself as I lunge at her, tackling her in a hug she wasn't expecting as she takes a few steps back.

  I love being wrapped in her arms, feeling safe and warm and.. home. This girl keeps surprising me with these little things that turn into something bigger. How do I keep this girl? How did I ever get her to look at me let alone have her go to these lengths for me? She breaks me out of my thoughts.

"So, I did alright?" Spencer asks, still a bit nervous.

"More than alright. This is perfect. You're perfect."

Spencer blushes and runs her hand down my arm, grabbing my hand to pull me with her. "Shall we then?"

"We shall."


  "I still don't know how you found this place or how you got us to be allowed in here on our own."

  We are laying on a blanket, well, I'm laying on Spencer as she feeds me some grapes. I know, so cliché. And loving every minute.

  "I have my ways," Spencer wiggles her eyebrows at me and I giggle at her antics. Once I stop, Spencer pouts a little.


  "I just love hearing your laugh, makes everything brighter. Gets a little cloudy when you stop."

    How has this girl not been wifed already? Not that I'm complaining. Entirely my gain. I'll take the win.

  "You're so cute," I kiss her nose. "And sweet," I kiss her forehead. "And incredible," I kiss her left cheek..

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