Chapter One Hundred Twenty Nine

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                                       Nats POV

It's a few days after the party at Tony's and we're back in Russia. I know, why are we here?


Spencer had a few more tattoo appointments she had to do before we could leave and they also had to pack.

The best part about it is that we don't have to move or haul a shit load of stuff to another continent. Spencer can just teleport everything. So all we have to do is get it boxed up.

And since we are leaving pretty much all of the furniture here so we can come back to visit and for when Spencer comes for her tattoo appointments, it's just that much easier.

Which is why we haven't even started.

But since everything we're taking is stuff we use everyday, we've used that as a good excuse not to start.

However, we have been just hanging around the house all day, and we should probably start.

I decide to bring up the general idea to see how they feel about it, "so we aren't taking any furniture back to the states with us, right?"

"No, I think it can all stay here.." Spencer starts.

"Well, actually, can I have the coffee table?" Yelena asks.

"Um.. you really want it?" Spencer asks, definitely shocked.

"Of course. You didn't have one when I first stopped at your house and I had messed with you for not having one, said everyone needs a coffee table, even if they don't drink coffee. And when I went to move in, there it sat. It's like, symbolic."

Spencer nods her head at this, "yeah, I guess you're right."

"Plus. You made it. Can't have this fine handy work going to waste sitting here, not being used." Yelena adds.

"You already had me at the sentimental story. If you want it, it's all yours," she laughs.

"Yes!" Yelena pumps her hand into the air in victory.

But I'm still stuck on something. "What do you mean Spencer made it?" I ask Yelena.

I see Spencers face go a little red.

"Oh. You didn't know?" Yelena smirks.

"Apparently not?"

"Spencer here is a little craftswoman."

"That's a bit of a stretch." Spencer interjects.

"Oh please. Half the stuff in this place you made."

I fully look at Spencer now and she isn't looking at me. "Spence?"


"You didn't tell me you knew how to do this stuff?" I say it as a question, but it's definitely a fact.


"Don't you know, Nat, Spencer doesn't like to brag."

"There's nothing to brag about," Spencer speaks up.

"Bub.. this is a seriously impressive coffee table. I assumed you bought it at a furniture place."

"Only because that's the logical explanation," she retorts.

I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Uh, I just meant, like, you wouldn't have a reason to think I made it.." she talks softly.

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