Chapter One Hundred Forty Nine

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                                   Spencer POV

     We all walk out of the room and into the common area in much better spirits than we left it.

     It appears as though everyone was just on pins and needles waiting for our return. Or maybe to see if I killed Gamora.

      Most seemed surprised that we're in such jovial moods now. This is fair. Last they saw us, I had a gun resting on Gamoras forehead.

      And, to be honest, I'm a little surprised, too.

      But here we are.

      Before we get any further into the room, because I know we will be bombarded with questions, I stop Nebula and bring her into a hug.

      "Oh.. um.." she is unsure at first, but relents, hugging me back.

      I pull away so I can talk to her.

      "I know we weren't put through the same things with Thanos, you had it a lot harder and he was your dad. But if it weren't for you, I don't know if I would have been able to keep going as long as I did. You made my.. stay there as bearable as possible. I never got the chance to say it before, so thank you."

      If you could see her blush, she would definitely be blushing.

      She scratches her arm, which I know is a nervous habit of hers.

      I know, Nebula, with a nervous habit? But it's true. You can trust me on that. It's something only I saw before as she would never let her dad or sister see it, so seeing her do it now in the open makes me realize her and Gamora really have come to better terms.

     "Um.. you're welcome. I know I wish I could have done more for you.."

     "No, don't do that. You did as much as you could. You were the.. friend, that I needed. That meant a lot to me. Still does," I offer her a smile and she returns it.

      "Thank you, Spencer. You helped me get through a lot, too. And once you disappeared.. well, I think it gave me at least some clarity. It's what helped bring Gamora and I together. You still mean a lot to me, too."

     "It's really good to see you now. You seem a lot better. And I'm really happy you and Gamora got over the stupid feud you had and really became sisters. I know how much that must have meant to you."

     "Yeah, it wasn't always easy, but we've gotten closer. She is more like a sister to me now. It also helps that our dad is dead."

     I have to laugh at her bluntness, "yeah, I don't think many people would say that, but I'm more than glad he's gone, too."

     We both laugh before I'm being called over by Tony.

     "I guess I'll see you a little later, the party isn't that big."

     "We'll talk later. See you, Spencer."

     I then make my way over to Tony who is accompanied by Steve, Nat, and Fury.

     Did I not mention he's here? Yeah.. my bad.

     "Mind telling me what the hell that was about, Spencer?" Fury is pretending to be all mad.

     "Captain, it's.. complicated. I know Gamora from a part of my past that's, well, let's say less than pleasant."


     "You guys didn't make the connection? Gamora and Nebula are Thanos' kids.. I was under Thanos for awhile? Did you really think we wouldn't have had at least some kind of contact?"

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