Chapter Sixty

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Nats POV

   It's been a few weeks since Spencer came to visit and I still have a skip in my step. I somehow think I miss her even more now. We talk all of the time and she would teleport to my room right before bed so I could be held by her for a few moments every night.

       She has also left me a piece of her clothing just about every time she would visit, whether it was sweatpants or a hoodie, I found it on the bed when I woke up. I loved it. It gave me something of hers to have close. And it smelled like her. It's the small things.

       And it's the small things that are helping me through this damn mission I'm on. Having a hoodie of hers brings me some comfort.

   But, I am still on this long ass mission, waiting around so I can prove these dopes are dealing in some shady shit. For supposed bad guys, they are boring as fuck. I just want them to give themselves up so I can get back home and let Spencer know she can come visit.

This time, it'll be me taking her out for a day date. I have a lot to live up to, but I know she'll be excited for whatever we do. The enthusiasm she speaks with when we talk about it is enough to load the pressure on me. But I surprisingly don't feel any.

There's no pressure with Spencer. She's pretty easy going and it doesn't hurt that I think I have her wrapped around my finger. So we could be digging for garbage and I think she'd be happy.

Not that I would ever do that. She deserves the world and then some and I plan on giving her every bit that I can.

I'm just saying that I know I don't have to do anything crazy for her to be happy. She likes just being with me, whatever we do. She doesn't have to go on big adventures every day. She just likes me.

I can not tell you how amazing that feels. To be appreciated and cared about for just being me, it's like walking on clouds.

And that's the beginning.

But I don't have to bore you with those details.

That all being said, I have planned the day to perfection. She has never been to New York so I want it to be special. Well, she's never been to New York where she can sight see. Or even just go for a walk. She didn't give me details about it, but I know it wasn't anywhere near a trip to the city most people take.

Some movement in the building I've been watching catches my eye, bringing me back to reality. I can just hope that this is the time they fuck up so I can get the evidence to bring them in, bringing me home and that much closer to seeing Spencer again.


Spencer's POV

It's been so fucking weird at home. Not with Yelena; we're still like sisters and have kept our same crazy energy. But with having a girlfriend and not having her around; yeah, it's kind of weird. Okay. I know I went through something similar with Carol, but this is different.

I crave Nat. That sounds weird? I know. But it's true. I know she thinks I visit her at night for her, and I do, but it's for me, too. As much as she misses being in my arms, I miss her being in my arms.

Having her cuddled into me, running my fingers through her hair or drawing on her back? I live for those moments. Maybe that makes us a bit of a homebody couple, but we aren't. Not entirely. We just enjoy each other's company even in the simplest moments. We do like going out, and I plan on showing her off as soon as I possibly can.

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