Chapter One Hundred Thirty Four

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                                    Spencer POV

        "Yes!" Melina.

        "One hundred percent." Yelena.

        "Awesome. So that means we'll have to come up with a reason to sneak away from the compound today before you guys go back to Russia. Well, I guess we all have go back. But, you know what I mean."

         "I'm sure we could get anyone on the team to help us with that," Yelena points out.

         "Yes. But we can also only trust so many people with this secret. I don't want her to know before I get the chance to ask her."

        "That is good point," Alexei says.

       "I bet Steve and/or Bucky would be the best option," I decide.

       "Why don't I come up with a distraction?" Alexei speaks up.

       "Dear, I love you, but you would not be good at that," Melina says, patting Alexeis back as she breaks the news.

       He grumbles in answer.

       Back to actual business.

      "So Bucky and Steve.."

      "Right. So, which one should we ask?" Yelena questions.

       "Well if we could find them apart, then which ever one we find first. But, I'm assuming they'll be together, so we can just ask both of them. They'd probably tell each other anyway. But I know the secret will be safe from everyone else."

       "Sounds like a solid plan."

       "Right. So I'll go talk to them, and then I'll ask Tony for suggestions on jewelry stores and then.. ah, shit."

       "What?" Melina asks.

       "I'm suppose to be making breakfast for Natasha." I slap my palm to my forehead, feeling like an idiot for almost forgetting. But, to my defense, this is exciting stuff.

       I'm going to be proposing!

       I don't think I'll stop smiling ever again.

       "Go do breakfast, we'll get ready," Melina suggest.

       "Okay. Thank you. I'm just so excited I almost can't wait. But I will. I'll ask Steve and Bucky first, then bring breakfast up to Nat. Hopefully they'll come up with an excuse before we are down so we can leave."

      "Sounds like a plan. Let us know when you are ready," Yelena says.

      "Will do. I better get moving. I'll see you all later." With a wave and huge smile, I teleport myself to the common room where I know Steve and Bucky were watching a movie before and hopefully they still were.

They are.

"Hey Bucky, Steve. Can I talk to both of you in the kitchen real quick?" I figure this way I can start cooking the food, too.

"Um, sure?" Bucky questions, looking over at Steve for confirmation.

"I don't see why not. We've seen this movie before," Steve answers, standing up with Bucky to accompany me in the kitchen.

Once I'm there, Steve speaks up again, "so what can we do for you Spencer?"

Besides the fact that I'm absolutely beaming, the joy in my voice is evident as well.

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