Chapter One Hundred Fourty Three

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                                   Spencers POV

     So it's about that time. My plan has been coming together rather nicely.

     I'm proposing back in Russia, so Yelena has been helping distract Nat on the occasion so I can be over there to set up.

     Everything is in place, now I just have to get Nat over to Russia.

     Don't worry, I have a plan.

     It's almost mine and Nats year anniversary.

     I know, it's a huge deal.

     I'm proposing, remember?

     No, not on the actual day. I feel that would be too on the nose. It's a couple weeks before.

     I'm using the excuse that we're visiting Alexei and Melina.

     We're leaving tonight, and I have everything packed. Everything is teleported over there that needs to be.

     All that is left is to teleport myself, Lena, and Nat.


     Oh, yeah. She wanted to be close by when it all happened. To celebrate.

      And just about everyone knows what I'm about to do tonight. A lot tell me 'congrats' or 'good luck' as they see me. Without Nat, of course.

      They are going to get ready for a party here tomorrow night, an engagement party of sorts. If all goes well.

     Am I nervous?

     Yes and no.

     She's the love of my life, so I'm so excited for this next step.

     But what if she says no?

     I know, I know. It's crazy. But I can't help it.

     As for the rest of the plans.. you'll just have to find out as Nat does.


      "Are you nervous?"

      "I mean, yeah. I'm about to propose to the black widow."

      "Please, she loves you. More than anything. She'll say yes."

      I let out a long breath. "I know.."

      Yelena's lifts an eyebrow.

      "I do. It's just.. I wouldn't blame her if she said no.."

      "Nope. You are not allowed to go there. You have planned an amazing proposal. You have an amazing ring. You are an incredible girlfriend, I know; she talks about it all the time. You've got this."

      "Thanks Lena. I'm so glad I have you." I bring her in for a hug.

      "Love you too, Spence."

      "So, you think Melina and Alexei are going to keep it together long enough not to spoil anything?"

      "You do remember that they were Russian spies, right?"

      "Well yeah. But this is different. And you know they weren't really faking being your parents."

      "I know. I actually think they'll cry like babies once it's official. If they haven't already. Their 'little Natasha' is getting engaged. Never mind the fact that she's getting married to you."

      "I have to agree, they will ball like babies. I'm just lucky they were cool with me dating her. It's a pain in the ass when you don't get along with the in laws."

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