Chapter One Hundred Four

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                                    Spencers POV

       After a moment, my eyes adjust to the dark and I see the layout of my home exactly how I left it. Though I can tell some things have been moved to be cleaned. Thank you Melina and Alexei.

       I take a look around the room taking in my place. The cold and dark and being alone really make this place feel empty. And I never felt like that before. Even before Yelena or when she was on a mission.

      It's the longest I've been away from here.

      I need to be back here, though. I have to talk to my clients, I have to make it up to them. I've missed so much here already.

      And after about another minute of feeling sorry for myself, I realize how much of a dumbass I am.

      Of course I see Nats side. How can we really be together when we're on opposite continents? I know I can teleport but eventually there would have to be a compromise.

      And of course it's easier for me to move to a shop closer to her.

      I was just hurt by how she went about saying it all. Made it seem like what I did didn't really matter because I'm not a superhero. That I'm less because I'm not out using my powers.

       I know she didn't mean it like that, but those feelings took over. Those that I wasn't enough or worthy. And I let it swallow me whole.

       I'm sure I could just teleport back here for appointments for my loyal customers. It'd be better than staying here and teleporting to Nat.

       I have to talk to Yelena about it all, too. I don't know if she'll want to stay here. Or maybe I won't move in with Nat right away. These are all things we will have to have a bigger discussion about.

       I know what I have to do.

       I need to get my ass back to Nat so we can talk about this like we should have in the first place. We both said things I'm sure we didn't mean. I know I sure as hell did.

       I'll figure things out with Nat and then I can talk to Yelena once she's back. I'm sure we'll be able to work something out?

       We have to.

       I am not going to let the best thing that has ever happened to me slip through my fingers.

       Before I go back, I have a few things I need to do. I should really talk to Alexei but I can do that after Nat and I talk.

      So my main focus is getting the few things I came to this shop for.

      It's the same grocery shop Nat and I went to when she was first visiting. 

      I'm grabbing the food I remember Nat liking; the cookies, the cakes, the candy, the fruit. I'm hoping we can cuddle up watching movies and eat junk food once we've talk. Or while we talk.

       I am not grabbing flowers as she isn't really a fan. Neither am I. We figured this out last time we went shopping.

       It's something you have to try to keep alive but will die anyway.

      So I pop over to another store to grab her something I know she'll like even better; some lingerie. I will also make sure I change into it before I go back.

       And the final touch? A few of my hoodies and sweats. I know she loves wearing my clothes just as much as I love seeing her in them.


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