Chapter One Hundred Fourteen

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                                       Nats POV

       The minutes stretch to hours as my heart does it's best to escape my chest.

        My thoughts are running in so many directions; I'm waiting for them to snap back into place, exposing me to reality.

        No one is talking.

        At least not to me. Not that I've noticed.

        I do know that Yelena is sat beside me. Her head resting against my shoulder. Tears haven't stopped their escape down her checks.

        We tried to hide them, to stop them, it became useless. There was no point when everyone here knows why and wouldn't blame us for a second.

        I've seen Tony wipe some away as well as Wanda and Bucky. Clint is being there for me by flying the jet, knowing he's getting us there and letting me have time to attempt to process this.

       But nothing will bring me to life except Spencer.

       I was hoping I would hear from Melina or Alexei before we got there. I don't know how to take it that they've been silent.

      I just keep breathing.

     Hoping like anything that Spencer is doing the same.


       We're here. I'm already opening the door and walking off the jet before Clint has officially landed the thing.

       Yelena is right on my heels.

       We burst through the doors to the house, no one there to greet us but we can hear them in my room.

       The front door is left open as I assume the team will be closely behind us.

       I don't have time to think about the fact that some of the team will now know where my parents live.

       At the moment it doesn't matter.

       We're through my door and met with Alexei and Melina sat by the bed. They stand up once they see me and Lena.

        "Girls. Good to see you," Alexei greets. I didn't even know he was capable of talking so quietly. He then brings us into a gentle hug. I don't know how to take this. But his big body is blocking Spencer.

        As he moves over and I'm finally in view of Spencer, Melina speaks up, "go easy on her. We've got her stitched up, but she needs to pull through the night. Ask questions tomorrow when she can give you better answers." She tries to give a positive spin on it. But I heard her say she needs to make it through the night.

        She steps closer to us, talking in a low voice now, "she's been asking for you when she's awake. I know you talked to her a little while ago, but a fever set in. It's taking a toll on her, but it'll run it's course and she'll pull through."

        A fever? Run it's course? What happened to her? I think Melina keeps talking, but I barely process what she says. I'm barely able to process what she already told me.

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