Chapter Fifty Four

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                                       Nats POV

   I'm leaving tomorrow. I absolutely hate that I leave tomorrow. I have to laugh internally at the fact I'm miserable about leaving this place when I didn't even want to come here.

    It's crazy what Spencer has made me feel. It's nothing that I've ever felt before and I am enjoying it. I know it seems soon, it seems soon to me, too. But I don't want to push away anything I'm feeling for her. She's been so open with me. And every part of her that I learn about makes me melt for her that much more.

    I'm finally letting myself fall into something, someone. Though I've never felt like this or wanted to feel like this for anyone before, I know Spencer will catch me. It keeps a smile on my face at all times. My face hurt at the beginning, but the muscles have gotten use to it.

    So yeah, maybe it's soon or fast, but I don't care.

     Oh shit. No. No, I don't mean I love her. Nooo.  I'm not there. I'm sure she isn't there either. Not that it can't get there and I will gladly embrace that if (and hopefully when) it happens, but that actually would be too soon.

     Back on track.. Spencer is taking me on a little date today and I'm excited. I'm still in bed currently. Spencers bed, she took the couch, though I tried to convince her she didn't have to. She didn't want to push, I couldn't tell her I was okay with that push.

  Especially since I was a little tipsy, not remembering everything about last night. But definitely enough. It's just once we got in the car that's a little fuddled. I think I might have fallen asleep. Anyway.

     I'm taking a moment to soak in the smell of her sheets and pillow. Okay, I heard it. I'm getting up now.

     Since I'm in Spencer's room, and I left my bags in the living room, I guess I'll just have to borrow some of Spencer's clothes..

     I look through her closet and settle on some joggers and a hoodie. Good thing she's short like me. Her clothes are comfy, much like she is. And they smell like her.

     Alright, I'm going out to the kitchen. I open the door to find Spencer dancing around while cooking what I assume to be breakfast. The amount of adorableness is too much for my heart.

    So I stay frozen in the door way for an unknown amount of time while I take in the scene before me. Until there's a hand waving in my face?


    "You are seriously drooling right now, Nat. She's just making breakfast," Yelena rolls her eyes as she walks into the kitchen.

     With my red cheeks, I make my way over to the island and take a seat on one of the barstools. I was too busy trying to hide my face to notice Spencer watching me walk up. I do notice her lingering eyes and smile once I finally look up.

     "What? Is my hair that bad?" I swear I had fixed it before I came out here..

     "Nope. You're just wearing my clothes," I can hear the tease in her voice.

     Quickly trying to cover my tracks, I start blubbering, "Uh, oh, yeah. I realized I left my bag in the living room. I figured this would be better than coming out with.."

     Her chuckle brings me to a stop. "It's okay, Nat. I like you in my clothes. I didn't know they could look so good," she's openly looking me up and down as she walks around the counter. My heart misses a few beats under her gaze. Damn it.

     "Here, your favorite," she tells me as she places the plate in front of me and sits down. She's so good at the little gestures and making me feel important.

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