Chapter Eighty Eight

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       Nat's POV

My eyes are closed. I am sleeping. I want to still be sleeping. But I'm awake enough to notice that Spencer is absent from my bed. And that something smells amazing.

Next thing I know, I feel a dip on the mattress. Still don't want to open my eyes.

"Hey love," Spencers sweet voice is trying to wake me up as she delicately moves the hairs that were on my face. "I'm sorry to wake you up, but I brought waffles! And fruit. And mimosas. Okay the mimosas are for both of us. Actually, I made it all for the two of us. But breakfast in bed, yay!"

I can't help but smile. She has convinced me to wake up officially. As my eyes slowly adjust, I'm met with Spencers beautiful face smiling at me. She has a white T-shirt on and..

"You aren't wearing a bra," I point out.

She laughs. "Yes, I know that love. I see that that's the first thing you noticed." She raises an eyebrow at me.

"Actually, I saw your beautiful face first. And you can't blame me. You're wearing a white T-shirt. It's VERY see through," I mumble out, still paying attention to how see through it is.

She laughs again. "Well I'm glad you're enjoying the view. But how about I feed you waffles with my shirt off?" She smirks.

"I don't know if I would be able to focus on anything else," I confess.

"You aren't really focusing on anything else right now," she teases.

This finally brings my eyes back up to hers. She takes this as an invite to join me in bed. I sit up so I can help with the tray of food.

"These smell amazing, babe. Thank you," I say as I kiss her cheek. She flushes red. I take the victory.

"You're welcome, love. Did you want anything else with it?" Those puppy eyes, I can't.

"This is plenty."

"Okay. Here is your mimosa," she says as she hands me the drink.

I take a sip right away. "Bub, this is perfect," I gush.

"Glad you like it. I added peaches," she says as she raises her eyebrows a few times, definitely impressed with herself.

She then starts cutting up the waffles, dipping a piece in chocolate with a strawberry and promptly feeding it to me.

I melt at the gesture and the taste of the food. God she's incredible.

"Mm. So good, bub."

She glows at the compliment, quickly getting another bite ready.

"You don't have to feed me," I tell her.

She deflates immediately. "I wanted to.. unless you don't want me to.." she is so sad.

"No! I just didn't want you to feel like you had to. It's really sweet."

"Okay, good." And her smile is back.

She feeds me another bite and that's when I realize something.

"Wait a damn minute." She freezes mid stab of the fork. "You made this?"

"Yes.." she she drags out the 's' very suspiciously.

"Just now? In the kitchen? Where everyone goes to eat breakfast?"

"Also yes." She's still suspicious.

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