Chapter Fifty Nine

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Nats POV

  She's here. She's in my arms. No, I'm in her arms. She still has me in a hug, I'm holding onto her like a koala.

"So you missed me, huh?" Spencer teases.

  I just nod my head as it's buried in her neck. I can't believe she's really here. I didn't know the next time I would see her and it was getting really hard not being able to have her hold me.

"Do you want to move this to your bed?"

I once again just nod my head. I feel her walk over and then lay me down in the bed under the covers. She follows suit, letting me cuddle back into her immediately.

Then reality hits me and I sit straight up. I think I spooked her because she has wide eyes as she looks at me.

"Wait. You can't be here!" I slightly panic.

"Oh, um. I'm sorry, I should have asked, I just thought.."

Her voice is so sad and I didn't mean what I said how I said it.

"No, no, no. I didn't mean it like that. I'm so glad you're here," I give her a quick kiss before I continue. "I just don't want anyone to see you."

"Ouch. That might have been worse."

"No!" I groan in frustration, not being able to get the right words out in the right order. I take a deep breath to focus. "I want the world to know you're mine. But I know the avengers have to know you as the Ghost first. I haven't been able to talk to them and I don't want them to catch you. I know they don't know you're the Ghost, but they do know you. It'd raise so many questions. And I don't want.."

I didn't realize I was rambling until Spencer grabbed my face and turned me to look at her. "Hey, love. It's okay, okay?" She then brings me to lean against her so my head is against her chest. "You are worth the risk. But, I won't be found. I can go invisible and teleport, remember?"

She gets me to laugh as usual and I release the tension I didn't know I was holding in my shoulders.

"I know. I just don't want to mess this up."

"You aren't messing anything up. You and me are good. Let's just enjoy the time we have, yeah? I'll make sure to leave today so there's no suspicion, okay?"

"I mean no, it's not okay that you're leaving today, but yes. Can we just be sure to plan your next visit? I know I have another longer mission I have to go on next week but maybe you can come when I get back?"

"Tasha, I will be here whenever you want me to be in the blink of an eye. Literally. Even if you just need a hug. I know I've stayed away in caution, but I don't care. I want to be there for you when you need me, so let me."

Okay, how can I argue with that? You don't. You accept the loving words from your girlfriend and agree.

"When you put it like that, yes please. I didn't want to push, I know we're still pretty new.."

"I want you to be yourself and do what you need and want to do. Whatever that means. Just tell me."


"Now what would you like to do?"

"Can we just lay here? I've missed being in your arms so much, as stupid as that sounds. I didn't know how much I needed you to be here, I didn't realize how much I was pushing those thoughts and feelings away until you got here."

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