New Deal - Chapter 2

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-I'm Jeno. - He answers. You nod, trying to remember where you saw him before.

-Have we met before? You are kinda familiar... - You say analyzing his face.

-Yes. We have the same group of friends, but normally my classes don't match with yours, so we don't meet that much. - Jeno says and you nod again with an "Oh, okay" expression.

-And... You know me. - You say.

-Yeah, you and Julian are quite popular. Everybody follows you on Instagram and talks about you two, so automatically I know you and knew what happened. - He says and you bend lips again, disgusted.

-Yeah. It explains why everybody was gossiping and whispering when I was passing by. I'm gonna make sure to not date a popular boy ever again. - You say snorting while resting your face on your hands. Jeno chuckles finding you funny. Standing up, he throws the can in the trash and turns around again to look at you.

-Well... I have class now. See you around. - He says waving his hand and walking away. You chuckle.

-He seems to be a nice guy - You say and shrug.

            Leaving the back of the building, you walk back to your table. Your friends look at you with widened eyes.

-Y/N! WHAT WAS THAT PICTURE YOU POSTED JUST NOW? - Maya asks and you stand there staring at her.

-Well... I was with someone and decided to post it, I guess...? – You say as the others stare at you back.

-Wow, I thought you were alone and mad about the Julian situation, but I think you already moved on. - She says and you laugh nervously.

-Of course, haha. - You say and look at your watch. - I think it's better if we come back now. Our classes are almost starting again. - They nod and you head over there in a fast pace. While walking, you notice people again staring at you. You wait to get in the elevator together with some girls.

-Is she the girl who is at the journal? - A girl whispers.

-Yes, it's her. Julian cheated on her and dumped her later. It's all written there. - The other girl says and you get confused. "Journal? Wth are they talking about?" You think before looking at your phone and see the online university's journal. You widen your eyes when you see the first news. "APPARITION OF A NEW GIRL BETWEEN THE POPULAR COUPLE JULIAN AND Y/N. WAS SHE DUMPED? READ TO FIND OUT!" You clench your teeth, aggressively putting your cellphone down.

-Poor girl. She must be suffering right now. I mean, he totally threw her away for everyone to see. - The other adds looking at you.

-Maybe Julian got tired of her. - The other girl says and you roll your eyes.

            The elevator arrives and you get in with your blood boiling. You hear a bell ring, indicating you got to your floor. You get out of there with a different aura. A decided one. "You started this, Julian, but I'm the one who will finish it." You think lifting your chin. Feeling your cellphone vibrating, you take your hands to your pocket reaching it. Your eyes widen, seen who sent you a message. Julian.

-He has the audacity to talk to me after what he did? - You say to yourself. Clicking the notification, you scoff with what you read.

-Who is he? - Julian simply sent. You can't believe that. What does it have to do with him to begin with?

-Not of your business. I told you to not talk to me. - You send back and puts the phone on your pocket again, but one more time, it vibrates. You sigh heavily, taking it again.

-Meet me now. I want to talk to you. - He says. You type aggressively, answering him.

-No. - You say and block him. If he is curious, he can just die and be buried with it. You are not caring anymore. You won't just let him destroy your image like that.

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