First Memory - Chapter 11

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          After Jaemin left, you and Jeno continued to walk.

-So, you like these types of places. – Jeno asks and you nod.

-Yes. It was very fun, wasn't it? And there's a lot of food and games... - You say and he nods, smiling. "She is so cute." He thought.

             Feeling something touching your hand, you look down to see Jeno holding it. You look up at him with widened eyes.

-What? Jaemin can, but I can't? – He says and chuckles. You chuckle too not letting go of his hand.

-No, it's that... with you it feels different. – You say in a low tone. Jeno holds your hand in a light grip. His warm temperature contrasts with yours that is a little cold, and you can feel your heart giving a bump.

-Is it? How is it different? – He asks while you two walk. Your hands swing in the air and you feel like not letting it go. You don't know why it's so different, but he gives you a comfortable feeling that you like.

-Uhm... I don't know. – You laugh nervously. – Isn't it better if we don't do that here? Someone can see us. – You say looking around.

-Don't worry. There's nobody here. I'm watching. – He says tightening the grip. You clean your throat, wanting to prevent a blush.

-A-Anyway, - You change the subject. – so, tomorrow we meet again to practice. – You ask.

-Actually... I was thinking about something different. – He says and you arch your eyebrows. – I was thinking if... you would like to hang out a bit. – He scratches his head with his other hand.

-Hang out? – You ask. – But aren't you in a rush to complete the choreography?

-I think we are doing it pretty fast. You are working a lot and I'm thankful. Also, it's been some time since you posted a picture with your "boyfriend", right? You know... people might start to suspect. – He says and you look up to think. – What do you think? I could pick you up at your dorm and we could eat something together. Just the two of us.

-Okay then. – You say and smile. You suddenly feel excited for tomorrow. – It's gonna be cool. – Jeno chuckles, celebrating inside that you had accepted. You look at the front and see the bifurcation that separates your paths. – Well... I guess that's it then. – You say, but you feel Jeno pulling you slightly.

-Wait. Uhm... I wanted to give you something before you go. – He says, getting you by surprise. – Jaemin bought you a stuffed dog, so I wanted to give you something as well. – He says letting go of your hand and you giggle.

-Why? You didn't need to. – You say, feeling shy.

-I want to. I met you first than him, so I must give you a present too. – He says pulling something out of his pocket. You roll your eyes smiling. "What kind of competition they have with each other?" You think.

            Taking a little plastic bag out of his pocket, he opens it revealing a beautiful bracelet with two pendants. One of them is a treble clef and the other is a heart. Your chin drops seeing how pretty it is.

-Give me your wrist. – He says and you reach out your hand. He gently opens the pendant's locker and closes it around your wrist. – About the pendants... I took the treble clef because you are helping me with my choreography. And the heart is because I'm helping you being your fake boyfriend. – He says and scans your face to see your expressions.

            Jeno looked for something he thought you would like. As Jaemin gave you a stuffed animal, he would not give you the same thing. And when he spotted the bracelet, he immediately thought it was perfect for you. Something you could take with you anywhere and that can remind you of him. A beautiful gift for a beautiful girl.
             When Jaemin gave you his gift, you smiled widely. You surely loved it, so Jeno was doubting if he could get the same reaction from you, but now, seeing how you are looking at the bracelet, he knows he got it right. You are melting with the gift. It's something meaningful. Something only you two know the reason behind it. You look up at him smiling.

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