Let them stare - Chapter 23

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          You hear the girls screaming Jeno's name hallucinatingly, and you can't blame them. He looks incredible. He was really born for this, and now he proved that for everybody. The performance ends and you bite your bottom lip. Screaming his name too, you call him and he grins, sending you a flying kiss. The boys go out of the stage and Maya hits you while jumping.

-Y/nnnn! Omg! This was incredible! The way he looked at you the entire time! – She says and you chuckle. – You are so lucky, omg. You are dating Lee Jeno! – Maya says and you look at the front seeing him walking towards you. "Dating Lee Jeno... if I just was really dating him." You think.

             Jeno gets to you also sweating and breathing heavily, and it is, somehow, the sexiest view you had in your entire life. He comes closer, swerving the girls who came to greet him. He stops in front of you with a grin and you hug him, putting your arms over his shoulders. He gets surprised, but hugs you back.

-Can I hug you like this? – You whisper in his ear and he smiles.

-Of course you can. I'm a little sweaty though. – He says and you chuckle.

-No problem. – You say and he tightens the grip around your waist, seizing the opportunity of you initiating the skinship. – You were incredible.

-Really? – Jeno asks pulling away. He holds your hands and you nod at him. – Did you hear that, Jaemin? – He says and Jaemin scoffs.

-Don't brag so much. She also said that I was good. – Jaemin says and Jeno shrugs. – I didn't see that ground part on your practice.

-Well, actually that was a little improvised. – Jeno says and Jaemin laughs.

-As I thought. You are really working hard to draw the pickers' attention. – Jaemin says and you look at Jeno, confused.

-Pickers? – You ask.

-There are some professional dancers here. This is not just a party. This is an opportunity to be watched by all these choreographers. – He says and you nod, getting it now. – But the attention I was seeking today was not from the pickers'. – Jeno says and puts his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. Your cheeks blush a bit wondering if he is really being serious or if he is just pretending. – I have to stay a moment with my class. I'll be back later, ok? – Jeno whispers in your ear and you nod looking at him. – We have to go now, right, Jaemin? – Jeno asks and Jaemin nods. "Is he that worried about me next to her?" Jaemin thinks and chuckles.

-Yeah. Let's go. – Jaemin says walking away. Jeno winks at you and leaves.

            Jeno, then, stays with his classmates while you enjoy the party with Maya and your friends. You look at Maya and see how happy she is. You smile, proud to have chosen to come to the party. At this point you are like sisters. If she is not there, everything feels boring.
            After Jeno's class, other classes also perform in the stage. You take the opportunity to enjoy the party. You play games with your friends and dance with Maya. From afar, Jeno glances at you now and then. He simply can't take his eyes of you. Your smile, your beauty, your energy, your essence. Everything related to you seems like it draws him to you. The way you look so happy and excited when having fun makes him want to be part of that, and, at the same time, he is scared of this new feeling. It's like something strong is pushing him to not care about anything more, like a drug. He just wants more. More of that kiss you gave to him. More of you.
             Meanwhile, at the other side of the saloon, your head always reminds you of his presence. You glance at him, seeing his amazing figure standing next to the other boys, but surprisingly, your eyes search only for him. His mouth turning into a wide smile while he laughs with his friends seems magical. Maybe it is just the alcohol, or maybe the needy feeling, but this night looks perfect to do something crazy, especially when he turns his head to look at you and your eyes meet, making you two smile at each other.

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