Dishes and war - Chapter 34

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        In the next day, you wake up with the especial family's alarm: your grandfather playing the trumpet. You stretch your body on the bed letting out a low groan. You sit straight scratching your eyes and then it hits you. Now you can see Jeno!
          You quickly get up and take your clothes and teeth brush to use the bathroom. You open your door and, at the same time, Jeno opens his on the opposite side of the hall. He gets out of his room with his hair is all messy from the sleep night. He starts to walk towards the bathroom scratching his stomach, what makes his shirt slid up showing his toned abdomen. Your chin drops a little as your eyes check out the sexy view of Jeno freshly woken up in gray sweatpants. His eyes meet yours and you quickly look away. His lips immediately form a smile seeing your figure.

-Good morning. – He says with a husky voice making you scream internally.

-Good morning. – You say back with a smile. You notice his eyes going down, reminding you of how you are dressed. A large tank top that reaches the middle of your tights, covering the shorts of your pajamas. You cross your arms, feeling a little shy for having shown him this intimate image of you, but at the same time, feeling proud for the little accident that stole a glance from him. – Do you wanna use the bathroom? – You ask and he shakes his head.

-You can go first. I go after you. – He says and you nod.

          You then get in the bathroom and change your clothes. After doing your morning hygiene, you go down the stairs to meet your family. As usual, there is a lot of noise. You take your plate and start to analyze the table which is filled with various types of food. You feel someone poking you on the shoulder what makes you turn around to see your cousin there.

-Good morning, Y/n. – He says and you smile.

-Good morning, Jisung! – You answer back.

-Uhm... Chenle and I wanted to know how you are feeling. – He says and you can see Chenle, your other cousin and Jisung's best friend, looking at you from afar on the table with his parents. You make a little confused face. – You know... after yesterday's fight. – He whispers.

-Ooh! – You get it now. – Don't worry, Jisung. I'm feeling great. I talked to my dad before sleeping and... we solved everything. – You say and he smiles widely.

-Oh! That's perfect! I'm glad you are doing great. Then go! Eat well to the next game! – He says tapping your back and you nod. He walks away coming back to the circle of family members. He gets closer to Chenle whispering something. He looks at you and nod smiling. "Probably they were worried about me." You think and smile back.

-Hi, beautiful. – A low voice whispers in your ear making your neck shiver. Looking at you side, you see Jeno now dressed up and with his hair fixed. You blush a little by his greeting.

-Hi, handsome. – You answer with a side grin while he takes a plate for him. – Ready for today's game? – You ask and he wiggles his eyebrows.

-Of course. – He says confidently and you chuckle.

-Look who is here. Our secret weapon. – Your uncle says putting his arm around his shoulder. Jeno giggles looking down.

-Yeah! We must win the competition this year. – Your other cousin, Renjun, says putting his head between Jeno and your uncle. – We can't let the Bennetts win this time. They betrayed our Y/n! We must get revenge! – He says firmly and you widen your eyes.

-Uhm... Let's forget about that, Renjun. – You start to say, but you get interrupted.

-Let it with me. I'm gonna guarantee that. – Jeno says and your uncle smirks. You look at him fast with an arched eyebrow.

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