Wait For Me - Chapter 69

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        Not having any motivation to watch the class, you sigh deeply. Even though you went through a break up, it's not like you can't go to classes anymore, so your only option is existing in that room until it's over. You fix your handbag in your shoulder while walking by the halls. You can sense some eyes on you. Eyes of the other students. They sizzle in a low tone, whispering something that sometimes you can hear.

-Is that her? – A girl "whispers" to the other.

-Yeah. She is the one from the newspaper. She was with Jeno, but now it looks she got dumped again. Poor thing. – The other says.

-Has she got cheated on again? It must be her problem then if it happened twice.

          You walk with a straight face. Being in the gossips is something you will never get used to. Specially if they are saying things so mean.
          You get to your class and sit at a random place at the back of the room. You rest your head on your hands and his image comes to your mind. Jeno's image. Him dancing at the practice room. His focused gaze towards the mirror until he looked at you with a smile, getting closer to give you a kiss. An involuntary grin forms on your lips, until you feel someone sitting beside you.

-Hey! – You look at your side to see a smiling Sofia there. You sigh, not even surprised anymore that she can show up anywhere like a haunting. Actually, maybe that's what she is really doing.

-Hey. – You say back. – Any reason for you to be in a veterinary class? Do you want to enter the course? I think the last thing you are able to do is taking care of someone, even if it's an animal. – You say and she laughs ironically.

-Very funny, Y/n. But no, I'm not here for the class. I just came here to tell you some news. – She says and you see the professor getting in the room.

-I would love to hear it. Too bad the professor arrived. Let it for later. – You say in an ironic tone.

-He can wait. – Sofia says and looks back at you. – Jeno and I are partners again. – You listen to it and clench your jaw.

-Has he agreed with it? – You ask looking at her.

-Of course. I came here to thank you, Y/n. You did well on breaking up with him and letting me take care of him. – She says with a smile and you can feel your blood boiling. "This slut is saying that on purpose..." You think with yourself.

-What's with this chat at the back of the room? – The professor says looking at you and you gulp. Sofia stands up.

-Sorry, Mr. Hanson! I was talking to a friend. – She says in a playful tone.

-Oh! Sofia! I didn't know it was you! – He says and you arch an eyebrow scoffing. "Even the professors lick her boots?" You wonder mentally. – How is your mom? Can you tell her that I need to talk to her later? – He asks laughing awkwardly.

-Sure, Mr. Hanson. I'll talk to her. – She says and he nods, turning at the board. Sofia looks at you again. – I guess I'll get going. Jeno told me not to be late. – She says winking to you and leaving the room after saying goodbye to the professor. You take a deep breath, controlling the urge to go there and break her face in half.

          Getting out of the classroom, Sofia heads over the practice room where she agreed on meeting Jeno. She entered there and sees Jeno and an old man talking. The man has a clipboard in his hands where he writes things minutely. Sofia smirks knowing exactly who he is. She closes the door behind her making the sound draw their attention. Jeno looks over her who slowly starts walking with a smile to their direction. His gaze turns to the man again not showing any other reaction.

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