Walz Night - Chapter 45

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        After calming down your body, you finish your makeup and your hair (which Jeno made it worse to fix). You go down the stairs excited for today's dinner. It's funny how you always had the same family summer meeting, with the same traditional events, but now you are looking forward for all of them. You want to show him everything. You want to enjoy it with him. And that has been noticed even by your family. You are normally a happy and excited person, but now it's like you are always with a smile on your face, and your parents are very glad for that. Looking around, you don't find Jeno yet, so you decide to help your family with the preparative. As usual, they never disappoint when it comes to this special night. It's your grandmother's favorite, after all. There are lots of old and vintage lamps around the place. The tables show off a beautiful red silk tablecloth, being illuminated by candles with warm color flames. You take a deep breath enjoying that romantic air at the place.

-My angel Y/n! – You turn around meeting your grandmother with an incredible red dress, just like the color of the tables and a flower behind her ear.

-Grandma! Wow! You look so pretty! You really put effort this year. – You say and she giggles taking your hands.

-Yes, I really did. I can say that I got inspired by the love in the air this year here in the farm. – She says and you smile as your cheeks blush softly. – Your hands are finally warm after so long being cold. And also your heart. Am I right? – She says and you nod shyly. – Where's my boy Jeno? – She asks and you chuckle by how intimate they already look.

-He is getting ready. He will arrive soon. – You say and she nods caressing your hands.

-Good, good. I'm excited to see him tonight. – She says and you giggle.

-Excited to see who? – You feel a hand slide on the side of your waist and you look to the right, seeing Jeno.

-Jeno! My son. We were talking about you. I have high expectations on you tonight. – She says and he arches an eyebrow smiling.

-Uhm... high expectations on me? Why? – He asks glancing at you.

-Oh. You didn't tell him, my dear? – Your grandmother asks you.

-Shh... it's a surprise, grandma. – You say and Jeno looks at you with a suspicious gaze.

-What is it, grandma? You can tell me, right? – He says tilting his head to look cute.

-You're surely very cute, boy, but I'm gonna respect my granddaughter and let it as a surprise. – She says and Jeno sighs pouting.

-Hehehe Thank you, grandma. – You say and she winks to you going to her table. – See? She loves me more than you. – You make a sassy face and he pinches your cheek.

-For now. – He says scrunching his nose. – So... Is the surprise as impressive as how beautiful you look tonight? – He asks taking you by surprise. You laugh nervously. Jeno smiles loving the way you always get so shy when he compliments you.

-M-Maybe? – You chuckle.

-I doubt it. – He jokes holding your hand. - Is it another game that I don't know? – He asks and you sigh. You get closer to his face. Your noses touch as your look at his eyes.

-Can you wait for it, please, sir? – You whisper and he immediately smiles.

-Fine! – He whispers back rolling his eyes and stealing a kiss from your cheek.

          You two then decide to find a place to sit. The rest of the family was also sitting while Jeno looked around noticing all the details of the decoration. Julian and Rylee also got there and she didn't even turn her eyes to you, which you knew why, after all she did to you earlier. You sigh deeply looking away, trying to forget everything that happened. You feel a hand caressing yours under the table. Obviously, Jeno's hand. You look at him and he shows you a side grin, deviating your attention from the bad memories.
           The dinner finally begins. The family chats loudly while a fancy jazz song plays behind. The food was exquisite and the fresh windy weather was a perfect match. You and Jeno stay there talking and laughing with everybody. At this point, you don't even need to be next to him for him to feel comfortable. He is already being loved by your family and that makes you relieved in some type of way. It was bad at the beginning, but now you are noticing that you can actually change your path as you wish and not live your whole life with Julian like you expected some months ago.
           Smiling to yourself, you lay your head on Jeno's shoulder and he immediately passes his arm around you, letting you lean on him. It would be so good if he was really yours, but maybe when all of this ends, he can really be. He doesn't look that bothered by your fake relationship. Actually, by the way he started to give you hugs and kisses without the revenge reason, you feel confident that you can take him only for you. The thought of that happening makes you smile and bite you bottom lip. Weirdly, you can't just keep yourself together when it's about him.

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