Playing Dirty - Chapter 60

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        The dance practice goes well. Strangely, you were expecting Sofia to show up and annoy you with all the types of commentaries about the way you dance and how you are going to mess with everything in the test day, but today, she didn't come, what made you calmer, but at the same time suspicious.

          The afternoon ended and you three decided to call it a day. You and Jaemin were reviewing some details of the choreography in front of the mirror while Jeno was turning the stereo off.

-You were much better today, Y/n. You improved a lot! – Jaemin says and you smile.

-Thank you. I think I was more comfortable that Sofia was not here. I really thought she would come back to do something again. – You say and Jeno sighs.

-Maybe she finally got that she can't always have everything she wants. – He says disconnecting his phone from the stereo and you glance at him. You feel that this commentary is not only about this.

          Before you could finish organizing everything, a sudden knock at the door draws your attention. You look at Jeno and he shrugs. Opening the door, a man who you never saw before comes in with a clipboard in hand.

-I've notified that a participant of the next dance academy test was practicing here. His name is... - The man looks at the paper. – Lee Jeno. – He looks at the boys.

-Yes. That's me. – Jeno says furrowing his eyebrows, a little confused by that man saying his name.

-Okay. I came here to tell you that, unfortunately, we found some irregularities on your inscription. – He says and Jeno makes an even more confused face. You glance at Jeno and then at the man, trying to understand what that means.

-Sorry, I don't understand. What's wrong with my inscription? – Jeno asks and the man looks at the paper again.

-Here says that your partner for the test is... uhm... Y/S/N Y/n.

-Yeah, that's her. She is my partner. – Jeno points at you.

-Is your partner a graduated dancer or a dancer in course? – He asks and Jeno glances at you.

-No, she is at another course, but I've chosen her to be my partner and I signed her up with all the procedures. – Jeno says with his heart beating a little fast. In his voice, now a little higher, you could see he was getting a little nervous.

-Yes, that's right, but, unfortunately, the test doesn't accept participants who are not graduated or in professionalizing process of dancing. You must sign up another partner if you want to participate. – He says and Jeno freezes.

-What? – You say to the man, not believing that. Your eyes run from Jeno, to the man and then to Jaemin, not knowing what to say. Jeno scoffs, running his hand through his hair.

-No, no. There wasn't any rule or observation written in the website. I asked that myself before sighing her up. You must be wrong. How wasn't I warned about that before? – Jeno asks with his hands resting on his waist.

-We understand the dissatisfaction and we are sorry. You have until the test day to sign up a new partner without getting disqualified. – The man says writing something on his paper. You mouth opens in surprise while Jeno feels his heart tight inside his chest.

-Can't we discuss about that? We have already practiced. We are ready for the test. I can't change my partner now. And also, I dance better with her. I'm the one who will be evaluated, not her. This shouldn't be a problem. Please, let me do the test with her. – He begs as his face turns into a desperate one.

-That's the rule. You have until next week. I'm sorry and good luck. – He says and turns around, leaving the room and letting you three astonished.

-But... What are we gonna do now? – You ask hoping the answer could fall from the sky. Jeno looks at you and his eyes seem lost and confused.

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