Life Upside Down - Chapter 97

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-No need to worry about me. I'm gonna find Jaemin and he will take me back. Bye. – You say, walking away, and Sofia smirks.

          Not so long after, you find Jaemin, Maya and Rylee.

-Omg, Y/n! We were worried. I lost you during all the party! Are you feeling well? – Maya says, getting closer.

-Sorry, guys. I got a terrible headache, but I'm okay. I'll take a medicine when I get home. – You say and Maya nods.

-Alright. Since everyone is here, we can go now. – Jaemin says, rolling his car keys on his fingers.

-I'll take a taxi, don't worry. – Rylee says and you raise an eyebrow, confused.

-Ugh? Why would you take a taxi? We can go together. We're all going to the same place anyway. – You say.

-I need to pass on another place before. – She says looking at you.

-I can drop you off if you want. There's no problem. – Jaemin says as they look at each other, but Rylee deviates her gaze.

-No, it's ok. Really. You can go. See you later. – She says walking away. You look at Maya, finding that very weird. It looked like she was hiding something, but you're not really sure.

          Getting home, Jeno throws himself on the bed. His body feels heavy, and even more his head. Because of you. He is already used to that, so he knows what he must do. Giving it time again. He will think about you 24/7, then it would decrease a bit, but never entirely. That's what he has been experiencing. He sighs, turning around and opening his arms. His blazer opens a little and he spots something on his skin, like a bruise. He frowns and runs to the bathroom to look in the mirror.

          Throwing the blazer on the floor, he looks at the red spots on his jaw, neck and collarbone, but it doesn't seem to be bruises, but... lipstick. He brushes his finger against it and, immediately, flashes from last night passed by his head. He was making out with someone, but he can't remember who it is. He clicks his tongue, running his hands through his hair.

-What the hell did I do yesterday? – He wonders out loud. – I hope I haven't done anything stupid. – He says sighing.

          The weekend goes by, and the life goes on. You have a lot to take care, like homework, exams and classes. Somehow, you're managing to do all of it. Turning back in time, comparing yourself with the one from months ago, you can see how stronger you got. You went through a lot, but even so, you keep going.

          You press the enter key on your keyboard, saving the last homework you edited for the last time. You preferred to focus on what you needed to do rather than thinking about Jeno all day long. Yes. He was living in your mind rent free, as usual. This time it feels different, though. You were feeling something inside you. An annoying sentiment bothering you. Maybe it's the fact that you know his test is finally arriving, and of course you're also apprehensive. You want him to do well. You want him to fulfill his dreams and be successful in everything he does, even if you are not together.

          You go to the university as another day of classes start. At the lunch time, you go to the table with Maya, as usual. Not too long after, Rylee arrives to sit with you.

-So, in the end our plan was successful. We surely destroyed her in front of all those important men. We taught her a lesson. And it was a great party too. - Maya says with a proud face.

-Well, I'm not so sure about the ''teach her a lesson'' though. I think she is the kind of person who will never learn anything. But yeah, it was very fun. - You say chuckling.

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