Paradise - Chapter 103

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-Do you wanna be my girlfriend? – He asks and you smile widely.

-Of course I do. – You say giggling and leaning your head on his chest. He finally could ask it after so long wanting you by his side.

-Are you sure? It's not fake this time. – He jokes and you laugh.

-It never really was, was it? – You say, looking at his eyes. Jeno smirks, glancing at your lips. He brushes his nose on yours, getting his face down to kiss you, but then, you hear the room's door opening in a burst, revealing the small Yu getting in with her plush, Jenny, in her hands.

-Sister! – Yu comes running to you, and Jeno sighs heavily.

-Hey, shortie, didn't I tell you to knock on the door before getting in? – Jeno says poking her on the forehead, making Yu shut her eyes tightly in a cute way.

-Sorry, I forgot it. Can we play more, sister? – Yu asks jumping frenetically. It's really incredible how much energy kids own. You chuckle and check the time, realizing that it's already midnight.

-Wow... it's late already. Sorry, Yu. I have to go now, but I'll come back when I can. – You say and both Yu and Jeno get disappointed. They wanted to spend more time with you, even if they have different ideas in mind for it.

-Do you promise? Will you really come? – She asks with a sad face.

-From now on, yes. I'll come here a lot. – You say and Jeno smiles.

          After saying goodbye to Jeno's mom and to Yu, you and Jeno come back to the dorms by bike. It's been so long since he gave you a ride, and you only noticed how much you missed it when your arms were around his abdomen again. The view of his wide back in front of you really hits different when the adrenaline of the speed starts. Now that you are finally dating, you can do things that had always crossed your mind, like holding his hand and intertwining your fingers when the lights are red, or caressing and scratching his back.

          Jeno parks the bike on the parking lot and walks with you to your dorm. Not seeing anyone there anymore, especially the inspector, you drag him upstairs until you stop at your room's door. Low giggles leave your mouth, knowing he shouldn't be there, but it's inevitable when more than anything, you want to be together after thinking it would never happen again. Your back leans on your door as you cup his face with your two hands. His lips hungrily move against yours while you two try not to make any noise to not be found.

-It's better for me to go now. If the inspector comes, I'll be screwed. – He says in your lips and you nod, opening your eyes.

-Right. – You say, feeling disappointed. – See you tomorrow? – You ask with begging eyes.

-For sure. – He says with a smirk. – Bye. – Giving you pecks on the lips, he turns around to walk away. You bite your bottom lip, not wanting him to go, and then, the courage hit you.

-Jeno! – You scream in a whisper and he walks back.

-What? – He whispers back and you look down.

-By case, do you want to stay a little more and... sleep over? Maybe...? – You say in a low tone and Jeno's heartbeats go to the moon and back. He got surprised by the question, but not that he hadn't wanted it many times already.

-Y-Yeah. Sure. – He says and you smile.

-Okay. – You whisper and take your keys to open the door while Jeno looks at the surroundings, checking if someone is coming.

          You get in and Jeno's close the door behind you. You are finally alone. Really alone. And this scenario made you a little nervous.

-So, do you want anything to drink? I think I have some beer here. – You ask and Jeno scratches his head.

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