Look at Me - Chapter 22

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          "Crap..." Jeno thinks clicking his tongue mentally. You're too hot right now, and even worse, you are flirting with him. He knows that you both have agreed on this relationship only for "business" and that he has some limits he shouldn't cross, but now he is wondering if all these rules are worth being followed or not, and you are not helping at all.

-Is Maya still here? – He asks and you nod. – We should get going, then. – Jeno says and looks at the inside of your flat. – Maya, do you have a ride to go to the party? – Jeno asks and you hear Maya shouting from the bathroom.

-Yes! I'll go with my friends! – She says and you smile. Jeno is so cute for having asked Maya if she is not alone.

-Okay then! – He shouts back and looks at you. – Let's go? – He asks and you nod. The party is gonna start.

            You and Jeno take his bike and go to the party. Getting there, you see a big and beautiful place. The entrance is lit with many spotlights. You widen your eyes, getting surprised by all of that.

-Woow! This is impressive! – You say looking at the place. Jeno looks too and grins.

-Yeah. They really strove this year. It's much better than the previous ones. – He says and you look at him.

-I thought it was your first time coming to this party. – You say and he shakes his head. Holding your hand, Jeno starts to walk.

-It's my first time performing. – He says and you nod getting it now.

-Are you nervous? – You ask.

-Uhm... a little bit, but it gets better when I'm up the stage. – He says. You glance at him, feeling suddenly curious.

-How is it gonna be? I'm curious! Give me just a little tiny spoiler. – You beg hugging his arm and he chuckles.

-Uhm... - He says looking up while thinking. – All I'm gonna tell you is that you must look at me all the time. Only at me. – He says in a low tone, leaning down so his face could be in the same height as your ears.

-Fine. Where are you gonna be settled up? – You ask and he smirks.

-Don't worry. You're gonna know. – Jeno says and you arch an eyebrow, even more curious.

           Getting at the entrance, you see a big line where some security guards are checking the tickets. You get in the line with Jeno, holding his hand all the time. You two stop in front of the security guard.

-Good evening. Jeno and Y/n. – Jeno says.

-Okay. Go ahead. – The security says and you two get in. You look at Jeno curious.

-He didn't even ask for our tickets. Has he forgot it? – You ask and Jeno shrugs. You step in the party and see a lot of people. Suddenly, a spotlight is directed to you and Jeno.

-Look who is here, guys! One of the most popular couples of this night. Scream loud for Jeno and Y/n! – A guy says on the stage with a microphone and everybody screams loud. You look at Jeno with an impressed face. – Oh, oh! It didn't end here. Now we have our second couple! Julian and Rylee! – The guy says and you look to the side, seeing them. You roll your eyes as they stop beside you.

-Oh! We got a perfect timing, Julian. – Rylee says laughing. – Sorry, Y/n. It looks like we stole your epic entrance. – She says and Julian grins. You laugh looking at her.

-It's already usual for you to stick your nose into other people's business. – You say and her smirk closes. – Let's go? – You say to Jeno and chuckle.

            Without even looking at Julian, you walk through the crowd towards your friends. All the boys turn to look at you since your costumes are incredible. At this point, you don't pay attention at them anymore, but Jeno knows exactly what all these guys are thinking, proceeding to let go of your hand to slide it around your waist. You are not his real girlfriend. He knows that. But it doesn't give them the right to look at you like that, especially when he is in a place where he can clam you as his.
            You feel his hand in your corset pulling you as you walk. The side of your arm hits his chest as you feel the warmth of his body. If it was any other boy, you would surely push him away and maybe slap his face, but immediately recognizing Jeno's touch, you get closer to him pretending like this is only an acting. Arriving with an applause, you two stop in front of your friends.

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