Words From A Mother - Chapter 87

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          You breathe out, waiting for Jeno outside. Maybe after this little "accident" he could start talking to you again, you think. Noticing suddenly the gate opening again, you find it weird that Jeno was already back, but instead, it was not him. It was his mom. You gulp, getting a little nervous for meeting her after some time.

-Oh, Mrs. Lee. Good to see you aga- - Before you could finish, she interrupts you.

-Jeno told me Yu ran away to your dorm and that she slept over. – She says and you nod.

-Yeah, but don't worry. She learned her lesson. I talked to her about not doing it again. – You say, worried about Yu getting scolded.

-Indeed. This won't happen again. Jeno said you two broke up. – She says, getting you by surprise.

-U-Uhm, we... - You startle, not knowing what to answer.

-Oh, sorry. Actually, you hadn't even started dating. – She scoffs in a tone that brought chills to your entire body. You stay silent as your hands start shaking. – I really don't know why my son has such bad luck on relationships. He is such a good boy, but even so... - Her words get lost in the air as she looks away, but her eyes come back at you like they were hurt. – You knew about his past. You knew what happened and even so, you played with his feelings. – She says and you freeze. – Do you think you're any different from Sofia? I really thought you were, Y/n, but you made him even more hurt than her. – Jeno's mom's voice comes out trembling and a tear escapes your eyes.

          After so long, you had conquered her trust, but now her eyes look at you in a worse way than the first time you met. And her words. Words of a mother. Words of his mother. "You hurt him more than her". That phrase killed a part of your heart. You are the responsible for a big part of his pain. Maybe, if it wasn't for you, he wouldn't have gone through all that.
          Jeno's mom breathe in deeply, trying to calm herself down. You look down, not being able to handle her gaze.

-Thank you for taking care of Yu. Something bad could have happened to her. But I want this to be the last time you meet her and my son. – She says and you look at her fast.

          Your shocked face, red by the cry, somehow still made her heart doubt, but she wouldn't turn back from her own words, after all, that's the way she thinks she is protecting Jeno. For her, you broke up with him when Jeno confessed his feelings. She thinks that you didn't want anything serious, and that now you're dating his friend Jaemin. But at the same time, she knows she is being harsh. She was purposely being mean because she is mad at how hurt her son is. She wanted to release all the anger she has been keeping in her chest all these years because of girls who don't know the value of Love. Unfortunately, that person who took all that anger was you. Ironically, the person who showed him the true love. The person who had sacrificed the most for him. Without anyone knowing.
          Jeno's mom turns around, closing the gate behind her. You bite your bottom lip hardly, trying to not break down. Again. A light taste of blood comes to your tongue, and you turn around, walking away from the house. She is right. The best thing to do is let him go before you can hurt him even more. You did what you had to do. You guaranteed that Sofia was in the line and that Jeno could do his test. Now, he is going to pass his test and follow his own path. With Sofia.
          In reality, Jeno's mom didn't know that, in fact, the most hurt person in all that story was you. Since the beginning. Since when Julian cheated on you, betraying your loyalty towards him. And now, hurting yourself to make the one you love move on. You also have no luck in love, but maybe it's your own fault, because even after everything that happened, even hurting so much, you wouldn't turn back. You would choose to meet him again, fall in love with him again and getting hurt again.
          Walking fast, Jeno opens the front gate with his helmet on his hand. The excited smile on his face faded away when he saw no sign of you. Frowning, he looks around searching for you, finding it weird that you had accepted his ride, but now you are nowhere to be seen. He goes on his tip toes in the middle of the street, trying to see if you were there, without success.
          Entering his house again (because maybe his mom had called you in), he goes to the kitchen, finding his mom cutting the meat for the lunch.

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