Jealousy - Chapter 14

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          "Well, it's not like he is really with me, after all. He can flirt with whoever he wants to." You think with yourself, but still feeling annoyed. "She could at least have asked him if he is with me. I mean, he would say we are not together. But I'm trying to have fun here. Does she really need to send him the hints in the middle of our dinner? She is no professional at all. Grrr! Why do I feel so angry?" 

-Y/n? - You hear Jeno's voice and you look up at him, waking up from your thoughts. 

-Uhm, yes? - You answer. 

-No, it's nothing. It's just because you are staring at your plate with a serious face for about 2 minutes now. Did you not like the food? Is it too... scary? - He says and you laugh nervously. 

-Oh! Haha. No, no. I was just thinking about how they might cook these things. You know, look at the fangs and the blood. Really... realistic! - You stutter pointing at the plate. Jeno laughs showing his eye-smile. 

-Yeah, yeah. Of course. - He says, glancing at you. 

           You two start to eat and it makes you forget about the girl. You have to admit it. The food is delicious, and even wanting to punch that girl on the face, it was a good idea to go there with Jeno. You always have something to talk about and you laugh a lot together. It looks like it's the first time you get to know a person like him. Before you used to go out with Julian, but you didn't talk much. You used to get tired soon and used to want to go home. But with Jeno, you look at the clock and the time passes so fast that it's even impressive.
           Finishing your meal, you take a time to go to the bathroom. While you look at yourself in the mirror, you listen to a conversation from the kitchen through the window. 

-What do you think? He is hot, isn't he? - The waitress says. 

-Yes, he really is! - Another girl says. 

-I think I will shoot my shot! - The girl says and you clench your teeth. You don't really like the idea of someone flirting with him, even though he is not yours. 

-But, isn't there a girl with him? - Her friend asks. 

-Yes, there is, but I don't think it's his girlfriend. They didn't hold hands when they came in and until now, they haven't even touched each other. She must be just a friend. - The waitress says and you decide to come back to the table. Sitting down, you look at Jeno, who is in his cellphone. 

-Uhm... do you want to take a few more pictures? - You ask and he looks at you. 

-We can if you want to. What could we do more? - He asks and you stand up. Sitting beside him, you pass your arm under his arm that is resting on the table. Intertwining your fingers, you look up at him. Your faces only a few inches away. 

-Is there a problem if it's like this? - You ask him and Jeno smirks, checking your face out. 

-Not at all. - He says in a low tone, making your body shiver. 

            You glance towards the kitchen to see if the waitress was there, and she was. She stopped looking at you and checking if she was seeing right. You smirked, starting to take more pictures. Jeno glanced at where you were looking and saw the waitress. He chuckles, understanding why you were suddenly taking pictures closer to him. "Is she jealous?" He thinks. He lets go of your hand, making you a little confused, but he quickly proceeds to cross his leg, sliding down a little on the seat and puts his arm around your shoulder. 

-It's better like this, right? Is that how you want it? - He asks with his face close to you. You clear your throat, not expecting such move from him and not being able to prevent a blush from growing on your face. 

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