The Betrayal - Chapter 67

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-Y/n and I broke up. I mean, we didn't even start anything serious, but... she said we should follow our own paths. – He says even forgetting his mom didn't know about their fake relationship. His mom gets surprised, her mouth opens a little by the shock.

-B-But why? – She asks with a sad expression. Jeno runs his hand to his face as his eyes get a little watery.

-It's everything a mess, mom. – He says and his voice gets out trembling. – They said I couldn't dance with Y/n because she is not someone linked to the dance course. – His mom makes a surprised face again.

-Oh no... why did they tell you that only now? – She asks and he shrugs. – Can't you call one of your friends?

-I've called them, but everyone is busy. Maria, Jin, Hyeon, everyone. There's just one person left. – Jeno says and his mom arches an eyebrow.

-Who? – She asks.

-Sofia. – He says and her face turns to a closed expression. – I don't know what to do, mom. – He rests his elbows on his legs covering his face, letting out a heavy and long sigh. His mom caresses his back, seeing how worried he looks. He stays like that for some seconds. – I thought Sofia had made me feel the worst pain in my life. But gosh... it's hurting even more. – He wipes his eyes, not wanting to cry in front of her. – It seems like I always lose what's important to me. – This time he couldn't hold back his tears. They fell right to the floor as another heavy and hot sigh leaves his throat. His mom's eyes start to get watery too.


          She doesn't know what to say. She hates to see him like that. Jeno is the type of person who hides when he is concerned or sad, but she knows him enough to notice each detail of his habits. If he is showing this side to her, crying, sobbing, desperate, it means he is at his worst.
          Jeno lays his head on her lap letting out some sniffs. She caresses his head and they both stay in silent for some seconds again. Jeno thinks so many things at once. About his test, about Sofia, about you, about his past, about his future.

-Should I just give up, mom? – He says and she widens her eyes.

-No! What are you saying? – She yells and he chuckles, some tears still filling his eyes.

-A part of me just wants to drop everything about dancing. Then I can bury everything and never confront it anymore. – He says as his mom observes him. – And the other part... is still thinking about what she said. Y/n told me I should stop running away from it and to not give up. She looked at my eyes in a way she never did before. Somehow... she looked so hurt. And she is right. I was never courageous enough to talk to Sofia, to accept the past. I was always a coward, mom. – He pauses for a second. – So I keep thinking about her gaze. Should I accept Sofia's offer and dance with her? Should I accept help from someone who made me sink in the same situation years ago? – He asks, but himself doesn't know who can answer it. His mom takes a deep breath and he looks at her, still with the head on her lap.

-Look, son... I know you before you knew yourself . I was with you at every moment of your life. And something I'm sure about you is that you're not a coward. What you went through... not everyone could get up again and move on, but you did. Unfortunately, that was not the only hard moment you faced. And maybe the one you are facing right now is not the last one. But I just know that you can always get back up. Because you're my son. You're Lee Jeno. – She says caressing his head slowly. A tear escapes from her eye and she quickly wipes it off. Jeno smiles weakly looking at her eyes. – I don't know which choice you're gonna make. It's not up to me to decide for you. But I know that you're gonna make the best decision. Whatever you decide, I'm gonna be here to support you. And please, don't come back home only when you're sad. Your mom's heart can't take it. – She says and he laughs nodding, getting up from her lap.

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