The kiss I deserve - Chapter 38

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        Outside, at the garden, the family gets ready to sleep after organizing everything. It's past midnight and you walk with Jeno towards the house.

-Are you really okay? You are not hurt, are you? – You ask checking Jeno's face. He sighs holding your hands and taking it away from his face.

-I'm okay. I told you already. I'm not made of glass, you know. Last time it was him who got worse. – He says laughing as you two get to the doors of your rooms. You lean on the wall while Jeno stands in front of you.

-You know... What did you do to stay calm in that situation? You didn't fight back, but I felt that you were angry. – You say and Jeno looks up thinking.

-Uhm... I always think twice before doing anything. If I had fought with him there, your family would think bad of me. I would lose the argument. It was not worth it. He just wanted to piss me off to make me lose my posture. And besides... I promised to someone really important to me that I wouldn't fight again. - He says and you chuckle, not being able to hide a silly smile from your lips, making Jeno proud of his statement. - Julian is just jealous that your family likes me more than him. – He says and you arch an eyebrow.

-Ooh, so you are feeling all confident now? Julian was right. You are cocky. – You say and he smirks, letting a husky giggle leave his mouth.

-I'm not cocky. It's just the truth. – He leans on the wall, resting a hand next to your face. – I'm better as your boyfriend than him. Even your family notices that. – He says and you stay quiet looking at him. His presence is so dominant, especially when this type of thing leaves his lips. Jeno stays quiet too, running his eyes over your face with a side smirk pressing his cheek. – By the way, what about the kiss you said I deserved? – He says making your stomach roll completely inside your belly.

          He waits for your answer still with a hand resting on your side, pinning you at the wall. You don't say anything more, but your hand flies to the side of his face as a support. You wet your lips with your tongue and get your face closer to his, touching him in a long and affectionate peck. Jeno closes his eyes enjoying the kiss you promised him and, this time, letting you lead him.
          Your noses touch softly your cheeks, completing your faces like a perfect puzzle piece. You separate from him for a millisecond just to peck his lips again and again. This is so good. With him. It's amazing. He is like a cotton candy. He is soft at the first touch, and then, when you taste him, he is sweet. So sweet. He starts to melt, quickly surprising you. After that, it ends and you want more again. Just like a cotton candy.
          He smiles between the kiss. He could stay like this for hours, for days, for years, for his whole life. You open your mouth a little bit letting a small wet kiss to finalize it. A last peck so he would miss you, and then you pull away.
          He opens his eyes. His gaze seems to investigate you and you know why. You played dirty. You showed him more than something physical. You showed him passion, and it hit him like a truck.

-Is it already over? – He asks in a low and serious tone, and you chuckle.

-Kids, you're still awake? It's time to sleep. – Your niece says and you nod. She gets in her room letting you alone again.

-It's over for today. – You say and he sighs. – If you want more, gain it. – You joke and he chuckles, standing straight again. – Good night, Jeno. – You say.

-Good night. – He says back, stealing a last kiss on your cheek.

          You close the door of your room and throw yourself on the bed. You bite your bottom lip trying to prevent the huge smile that wants to grow on your face. You wanted to stay with him a little more. Normally, he would act as your boyfriend in front of the others, but you have noticed by now that it's not like that anymore. The way he touches you changed completely. Now it's like he wants to send you a message. As if he talked to you whenever his skin touches yours.
          You click your tongue and sigh. "Shit, shit..." You say to yourself. At this point you already know it got out of your control. You have let your guard down and he ended up entering your heart in a way you didn't even notice. Now all you can see are his smiles, his caring side, the peace he gives you. Turning around on the bed, a chuckle escapes from your mouth as your eyes shut.
          In the next day, as usual, the family wakes up. You jump your bed excited to know which game will be played today, and, of course, to see Jeno. You took a little longer today to get out of the room, so you decided to go down stairs right away to see if he is already there. And you were right. Jeno was greeting some of your relatives while everybody takes their plate to have breakfast. They all show him a smile and start a conversation. You stay a little far, just watching that scene. Who would imagine that Jeno would be in your family meeting as your boyfriend? And, beyond that, that he would be accepted?
         Biting your bottom lip, you smile walking carefully towards him. He is back-facing you, what gave you the idea of surprising him. Getting closer when he stopped talking, you hug him from behind, crossing your arms in front of him and going on your tiptoes to rest your face on his shoulder. Jeno feels the hug and look over his shoulder, already imagining who it could be. Recognizing you, he chuckles showing a wide grin. Opening your arms, he caresses your hands, intertwining them with his in the end.

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