My Enemy's Enemy - Chapter 82

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-Mrs. Fimmin, it came to my knowledge that you've been spreading false information about Mrs. Perphyden and that caused a posterior arguing between you two and even physical aggression. This is something completely unacceptable in this institution, so, unfortunately, I must say you've been expulsed. – The principal says, and Rylee widens her eyes.

-What? What the hell are you saying? I didn't do anything! This is a lie! I never laid a finger on her. It's the opposite. She is the one who broke into my room last night. She is putting the blame on me. - Rylee says desperate.

-Yeah, I went to your room to try to talk to you about it, but what did you do? You started to yell at me and even slapped me on the face. Like... I really don't know what I did for you to hate me that much. - Sofia says faking a crying. Rylee scoffs, holding herself back to not really slap Sofia in the face.

-Oh, my gosh... I can't believe this. It's exactly the opposite! - Rylee turns to the Principal. - Do you know that your daughter has been meeting a secret man and giving money to him? Actually, if I remember right, Sofia told me he was from her dance academy. What do you think about this, Principal? - Rylee says crossing her arms. A sudden silence echoes by the room as the Principal looks at Sofia. She looks at Rylee again as a long sigh leaves her mouth.

-Well, we can clearly see that what Sofia told me is true. You've been spreading fake rumors about her. - The Principal says and Rylee widens her eyes.

-Are you blind or something? I'm telling you the truth! You don't wanna see it just because she is you daughter! What kind of principal are you? – Rylee yells, but it feels like no one is listening.

-Please, Mrs. Fimmin, take your things. You have until the end of this month to find another location. As regards to your lessons, your course is suspended until we organize your expulsion. You can leave now. - She says and Rylee frowns feeling her heart beating faster.

-No...! This is unfair! You can't expulse me. I studied a lot to be here. My parents worked hard to pay everything for me. I'm close to finish my course. I... I... I can't stop now. - Rylee begs, but the Principal's face doesn't change.

-You should have thought about that before doing what you did, Mrs. Fimmin. Each one of us face the consequences of our acts, and I will have no tolerance when it comes to the security of my students. - The Principal says and Rylee can feel her eyes watering from anger. She looks at Sofia again and a malefic smirk is plastered on her face. Rylee clenches her jaw, suppressing her tears from falling.

-You're gonna see, you spoiled slut. I'm gonna destroy your life. – Rylee says, pointing at Sofia. Before the Principal could complain again, she turns around and leaves the office, slamming the door behind her.

          Walking around the university, you finally get a free time. After the first class, you have finished your day of lessons. You actually don't know what you should do now. Or better saying, in reality, you probably should be studying, but lately it's been very hard to have the strength to focus. You sigh deeply trying to push away the thoughts of Jeno from your mind or your eyes are going to get watery again. The scene of the last meeting you had keeps replaying in your head. The way he ignored you so bad just like you were a person he hates. You never thought that something like this would happen between you two, and even more that it could hurt so bad. Julian used to ignore you countless times when you were together, but you've never felt like this before. Is this because you finally can say you really love someone?
          While you dragged yourself over the library, your cellphone vibrates. You see a private message in your Instagram and the person sending it surprised you. It's Rylee. Even though you couldn't feel any more tired of problems, you click in the message feeling curious. ''I need to talk to you. Can we meet?'' Just like receiving this message from your boyfriend or your mother, getting it from Rylee couldn't mean something good for you. You lock your phone and put it back in your pocket. You're not feeling like arguing right now or any other thing Rylee is up to, but the cellphone vibrates again. This time non-stop. She is calling you. You frown, getting even more curious. What in the Earth could it be?

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