Enough For Me - Chapter 111

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Looking around nervously, Rylee bites her nails just to take them out of her mouth fast, cursing at herself for almost having ruined the work from the nail stylist she had paid yesterday. Her eyes come back to the hall of classrooms, wondering when the classes would finish. She clicks her tongue, already feeling annoyed for waiting exactly 4 minutes outside, thinking it must be a sign from the universe that she should turn around and leave that place, but then a door opens, and she sees some students getting out.

Her sight runs, looking for a certain person, and then he shows up. She spots Jaemin coming out of the classroom while talking to some other people. By the way he was laughing, they must be friends. Her heart starts to beat fast, in a way that bothers her. Nobody should be able to make her feel like this, but he is. And even more than that, he was able to make her stand there to wait to talk to him.

After the day you talked to Rylee, she caught herself thinking about your words. "You move everyone away from your life.", that's what you said. She knew it was truth, but she didn't want to deal with any of that bullshit right now, and it would be hidden under the carpet if Jaemin wasn't living in her mind rent free. Rylee can't stop thinking about him. About how he kissed her, about how he looked at her, or how he defended her that day, and how he turned her down.

Rylee then, decided to stop chickening out and went there to talk to him, confronting her own fears, to say everything that is in her mind, but when his eyes met hers, a sudden regret grew inside her. Jaemin sees Rylee standing there, leaning in the wall, and walks closer. ''Crap. What the hell am I doing?'' She thinks.

-Hey. - Jaemin says, stopping in front of her.

-Hi. - She says simply, losing all the courage she had had this morning. Maybe it was better to have taken a shot of vodka before doing that.

-What's up? Are you waiting for someone? - He asks and she nods.

-Yeah. I was waiting for you. - Rylee says, feeling her heart bumping against the wall of her chest. - I want to talk to you about... something. - Jaemin arches an eyebrow, curious.

-Alright. I'm here. - He says shrugging and Rylee gulps.

Now, looking at him in front of her, handsome just like he always is, standing there just waiting for her to talk, her mind goes blank. ''Shit. What was it that I wanted to say? I had all the speech in my mind.'' She thinks nervously. Jaemin scans her eyes, waiting patiently and already having in mind, at this point, what she is taking so long to say.

-Uhm... I just... I wanted to tell you that... I... - She looks away and sighs, turning to look at him again, annoyed by how he always stares so deep in her eyes. - I'm sorry that I kissed you that day in the lake. - She says out of nervousness. Jaemin frowns, not understanding anything.

-What? - He asks, confused.

-Yeah, that day... you called me to hang out as friends and we were having a good time, but then I kissed you out of the blue and gave you hope that I liked you. - Rylee says, not looking at his eyes. ''What the hell am I saying?'' She thinks, punching herself mentally. - So... it was my fault. - Her eyes come back to him and he scoffs, scratching his forehead.

-Is that really what you wanted to tell me? You came here for that? - Jaemin asks and Rylee stays quiet. She could feel a voice inside her pushing her to tell him the truth about her feelings, to be honest with him because he seems to be someone she could really trust, but she just froze. - Well... you don't need to worry about that. I never had an expectation to begin with. You always let it pretty clear. If that's all, I'm going. - He says in an annoyed tone, walking away.

-Wait! Jaemin! - Rylee shouts and he stops, turning around as she takes some steps closer. - That's not what I wanted to say. - She says and he sighs, crossing his arms. Rylee looks away, clicking her tongue. - Why... Why do you need to be like that? We knew something was going on between us. Couldn't you just... go with the flow and not think about anything more? - Rylee says, getting closer to talk to him.

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