The beginning of the war - Chapter 8

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-Shh! Somebody is coming! - Jeno says looking carefully at the front.

            That's right. It's a secret. You have almost forgot about that. As you and Jeno practice after the classes, normally nobody is there, but today you got surprised by two girls who got out of another dance classroom. Jeno holds you tight while you hide in the dark. You can feel his chest going up and down as he looks ahead watching the girls. You freeze there waiting for his sign. Your heart beats fast bringing a nervous feeling to you. ''Uhm... He is too close.'' You think as you look up at him. His big hands tighten your arms in a firmly way that you can't say you totally hate. Your hot breath hits his collarbone, making him shiver noticing your presence there. Jeno looks down at you. Your faces only a few inches apart. His eyes stare at you without even flinch while your heart bumps strong.

-They left. We can go now. - He says and lets go of your arm. You finally breathe out looking down. Jeno cleans his throat watching you start to walk.

-That was close. - You say relieved that no one found you two there.

-Yeah. We have to be careful. Even though we could use the excuse that you are just helping me, they would suspect of us. - He says and you nod. You walk to exit together, passing by the long hall and the main saloon.

-So... - You start a new subject. - We've never talked about ourselves too much. Do you have any sibling? How is your family? - You ask and Jeno looks at you.

-Uhm... My dad lives in a small town. My mom lives nearby with my younger sister. Yu-Hae. She is 4 now and very naughty. - He says giggling. You smile too.

-You must like her a lot. - You say while you two walk slowly.

-Yeah. We love to play together when I come back to my mom's house, but I've been so busy lately that I don't see her since summer. - He says and you nod looking at the front. - And what about your family? - He asks.

-Oh, uhm... You can say I have a good relationship with my parents. They care about me a lot. Lately it's been a little difficult between us because they didn't want me to do the veterinary course, but I chose it even so and that made my dad a little mad. - You say looking down.

-I feel you. My parents were worried as well when I opted for the dance course, but I understand them. They want the best for me, but sometimes we have to follow our own path. - He says and you smile. ''He is really mature.'' You think.

-Yeah. I just wanted them to be a little more... comprehensive. - You say.

-I know. But imagine if it were you in their place. They don't want us to fail, but at the same time, they are not superheroes. They don't know the future and feel guilty when our lives don't go well. - He says and you nod.

-Yes. You are right. - You answer.

-And your siblings? - He asks.

-I don't have any. - You say.

-Oh. Did you feel lonely as a child? - He asks.

-No. I had my cousins and... my best friend. - You say and he nods.

            You two stay in silent for a moment and you already see the entrance of your dorm. Actually, you don't want to go home that much. You found out that talking to Jeno is in reality very relaxing. It's hard to find someone who you can share these things and talk deeply, especially if it's a boy. Also, the weather is perfect tonight. The wind is a little cold when it blows on your face. The sky is completely clear and the stars are glowing bright up there. The silence of the night whistles in your ears as nobody else is walking by. You can just hear the trees and your laughs now and then.
            Not being able to walk slower, you and Jeno get to the bifurcation that separates the girl's dorm form the boy's dorm. Since you both don't want to be caught, you always stop there to say goodbye.

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