Stupid Love - Chapter 96

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        Jaemin lets out a long sigh. Thrown at a random couch next to the bar, his gaze looks unfocused at the crowd dancing under the many spotlights. Two bottles rest on the table in front of him after he chose to take some alcohol to cheer him up a bit, but it made the opposite effect. Now he is drunk, alone and sad. After you stood up from the game circle, he tried to talk to you, but you moved him away saying you needed some time alone, and now he is there: completely left aside.

          Feeling someone sitting beside him, he difficultly turns his head to his right, seeing Rylee. She sighs, leaning her arm on the sofa back while looking at him. Jaemin turns his head to the roof, closing his eyes and not saying anything while Rylee glances at the table seeing the many drinks taken by him.

-Wow. Why does it look like you're drowning the sorrow? Did Y/n dump you again? – She asks checking her nails.

-No. I just wanted to drink. – Jaemin says and Rylee arches an eyebrow, feeling suspicious.

-Where's Y/n then? Why is she not with you? – Rylee asks.

-She said she needed some time alone. We were playing truth or dare with the others and Sofia dared Jeno to kiss her. – Jaemin says and Rylee gasps. – Then, she stood up and left. – He says and Rylee widens her eyes. – I tried to follow her, but she said she wanted to be alone. Some minutes later, Jeno ran after her. – Jaemin sighs, opening his eyes again. Rylee stays silent, making Jaemin look at her again.

-Well, - She starts to talk, taking the bottle and filling Jaemin's cup, just to drink it right after. – That's why I gave up on love, you know. – She says and places the cup on the table, and for some reason, it made Jaemin laugh. – I'm serious. Like, love... doesn't take you anywhere. It's not worth it. – She says and Jaemin laughs in a drunk smirk.

-Oh, really? – Jaemin says ironically.

-Sure. See, Y/n and Jeno like each other, but they are just too complicated. You like Y/n and treat her like a queen, even so, she is with Jeno now. And in my case, I did everything for a guy, things I shouldn't have done, just to have his attention. – She says, taking another shot while Jaemin stares at her with his head laid on the sofa back. – Love turns us into idiots. – She says shaking her head. Jaemin looks at her eyes for a second, scanning her expression.

-You know Y/n has forgiven you for everything you did, right? – Jaemin says and Rylee stays silent for a moment.

-I'm not sure. Y/n can hold grievance for a long time. And to be honest, I understand her. I deserve it. And everything because of this stupidity called love. – Rylee says angrily.

-If Y/n hadn't forgiven you, she wouldn't have gone to your house, and wouldn't help you for have been expulsed. Actually, I can even say she considers you a friend. - Jaemin says and Rylee laughs out loud, throwing her head back.

-Yeah, yeah. I mean, me and Y/n being friends is really a funny thing to think about. – Rylee says and Jaemin laughs too.

          They both stop talking, just thinking about the many things that happened during all this party, and also on those before that.

-You're not a bad person, Rylee. – Jaemin says and Rylee looks at him. – Everybody makes mistakes. And now I think you're trying to make up for it, so... Don't be so harsh on yourself. – He says sighing again, running his hands through his face. He opens his eyes again and Rylee notices his cheeks red by the alcohol on his light face. She chuckles, smiling.

-If it makes you feel any better, if I was Y/n, I would have chosen you. For sure. – Rylee says and Jaemin laughs, closing his eyes. His drunk state just makes him even cuter and spontaneous.

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