The worst feeling - Chapter 12

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          Turning to look behind you, there he was. That guy.
            He was wearing a hoodie with a cap. Hiding his face, his hands were resting in his pockets before he quickly takes it out so he could walk faster. You turn to look at the front feeling your body shiver. Starting to breathe by your mouth, you start to run slowly. You didn't care if someone thinks you are crazy. You just want to get out of there.
            Your mind starts to create scenarios. Scenarios which the guy catches you and drags you to an even more empty place to do something you don't even want to imagine. Feeling tears forming in your eyes, you keep running and take your cellphone to call Jeno. Your heart beats faster and your body is already hot. Looking back again, you see the guy is still behind you, also running slowly. You gasp feeling desperate.

-Please... answer. – You say out loud, praying that Jeno could take the call.

-Hello? – A kind of relief rushed to your body when you heard his voice. Breathing heavily and sniffing, you call his name.

-Jeno! – You say and he furrows his eyebrows at the other side. You were weird. Breathing heavily, and he could hear some noises behind.

-Y/n? Are you okay? – Jeno asks standing up from his couch.

-I... I... - You look for the words, but the desperation fills up your body.

-Are you crying? What happened? Tell me. – He asks feeling his heart beating faster.

-It's that I... I'm coming back from the library... but I'm scared, Jeno. – You say, feeling tears rolling down your face. Jeno opens his mouth, surprised.

-At this hour? Where are you? – He asks taking his jacket in the wardrobe.

-Someone is following me, Jeno. He is running. I'm afraid. Please, I... - You say looking behind you, still running.

-Send me your location. I'm going now. – He says running out of his dorm. He clicks his tongue, worried that something could happen to you.

            Meanwhile, you send the location to Jeno. "He won't get here on time." You think. Running faster, you turn in a corner. Looking back again, you see the guy taking something out of his pocket. Something like a thin rope. You widen your eyes. So, he is really trying to do something to you.

-LEAVE ME ALONE! – You scream crying out loud.

            The guy, running faster, is almost reaching you. Turning at another corner, you close your eyes and feel a pair of hands hold your shoulders.

-NO! NO! LET ME GO! – You scream with tears burning your cheeks while hitting the chest of the person in front of you.

-Y/n! It's me! It's me! – You look up to see Jeno.

            Not even believing it, you let out a gasp. Sobbing loudly, you jump on him, hugging him tightly and hiding your face on his neck. Jeno has never seen you like that before. Actually, he has never seen someone so desperate in his life. Holding you back, he hears you sobbing and trembling, still trying to understand the situation. Suddenly, someone turns at the corner. Jeno looks at the front, seeing a guy in a hoodie holding something suspicious in his hands. Immediately getting the situation, Jeno feels rage growing inside his chest. It was him. He was the one who was following you. And by his pose and that rope he was holding, he was planning on doing something Jeno couldn't even imagine. Looking at him deadly in the eyes, Jeno closes his fists and the guy steps back. The guy can read his eyes. Jeno was never someone who liked to fight, but this time he felt his blood boiling so much that he was able to kill the man right there. Loosening the hug, Jeno turns to him and the guy runs away. Jeno tries to chase him, but you hold him back.

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