Challenge accepted - Chapter 19

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          Meanwhile, your picture is receiving tons of likes and comments. "Woow, they really proved their point." "What a kiss." "They are really desperate for attention." "I wish my boyfriend kissed me like this hahahah". You read some of them while eating a snack on the sofa and suddenly you hear fast footsteps.

-Y/N! OMG. – Maya comes from the other room. – T-This picture! And the caption! Do you want to wage a war with Julian? You clearly dropped a hint for him. – She says and you shrug with a sassy face.

-We are already in a war, Maya. He is lucky that I hadn't mentioned his name, but I don't think it's necessary. He and Rylee are gonna get it. – You say and Maya giggles.

            At another place of the dorm, Rylee opens her Instagram which is filled with messages. "Rylee, have you seen this?" "I think it's a hint for you and your boyfriend, darling." "Have you seen what Y/n posted? The audacity she has..." Rylee reads the messages with a confused face. Proceeding to look at her feed, your picture appears there and she widens her eyes.

-"...To show to you what a real couple looks like...?" Ugh? Does she want to fight? – Rylee talks to herself out loud.

           Opening the comments, she reads some of them. "This one is for Rylee and Julian for sure, dude." "I think it was good to Y/n to be cheated on. She is with an even better now. Just saying..." "Here just waiting for Rylee's comment." Her blood starts to boil, knowing she is not the center of attention anymore. You gave her the taste of her own medicine and she can't let it like this.

-Fine, Y/n. If that's how you want to play, so let's do your way. – Rylee says with an angry face.

           The next day, you and Maya go to the university. The gazes keep glancing at you, which you expected, but this time they are not disgusted gazes, but impressed ones.

-So, are we gonna go to the summer party or not? – Maya asks you. You look up thinking a bit.

-Of course you are gonna go. – You hear a low voice behind your ears. You and Maya look back and you feel a hand intertwining with yours. You smile shyly seeing Jeno beside you.

-Hi... - You say looking at his eyes. You are starting to get used to be greeted by him every the morning.

-Hi. – He says back and winks at you.

-Grrr! I can't have a single second of peace that you come with your lovey-dovey cute couple moment. – Maya says rolling her eyes, but actually loving it. She likes to see you happy with someone else and forgetting about Julian. That's what she is thinking it's happening at least.

-Sorry for that, Maya. My fault. – Jeno says grinning. You three start to walk together while talking. – So, you were talking about the party, right? You HAVE to go. We're gonna perform and it's gonna be awesome. – Jeno says and you bend your lips, not sure if you really should go to a party that big.

-Oh yeeeah! You're gonna dance! That's so cool! What's the theme for this year, Jeno? – Maya asks him.

-It's gonna be released in a couple of hours. They normally tell us 2 days before, but this year they said we need to know sooner to get prepared. – He says and Maya makes an impressed face.

-Uuh! What a mystery! I want to know so bad! I'm curious! – Maya says giving little jumps. You look at her and arch an eyebrow.

-I thought you also weren't interested in parties, Maya. – You say and she glances at you.

-Well, I didn't like it before, but if you come with me... it will be cool. – She says and you chuckle. – Don't you wanna see your boyfriend performing? – Maya asks and you glance at Jeno.

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