New York Or Singapore? - Chapter 119

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We talked about it a lot. We talked about our relationship, about how it would be. Jeno was very patient. He listened to everything I had to say, and he agreed with my decision. - You say while your mom looks at you deeply in the eyes. - And my decision is: I want to go to New York. - You gulp, looking at her in the eyes, and your father snorts, leaning his back on the chair and stretching his arms behind his head. He knows this is going to get deep.

Your mom's face change in surprise, staying in silence for some seconds. Her mind seems to try to swallon it and look for a way to answer what you had just said. She breathes in deeply, totally against your choice.

-Y/n. I've talked to you about that. You don't need to go to New York. I know you two are dating and everything is intense, but this is something serious. - Your mom says, and Jeno glances at you, seeing your fists tightening on your legs. He rests his hand above yours, trying to calm you down.

-Miss Y/S/N, I would like to explain to you why I'm here today. - Jeno says and your mom deviates her eyes from you, looking at him again. - I insisted with Y/n I should be here because I know how important this decision is for all of you. I'm not playing with her. And I didn't force her to do it. But I can't tell you that I wasn't glad to know that her intentions are the same as mine. I want a future with her. And for that, I'm willing to adapt to whatever her family needs. But I don't want to give up on what we have now. On being close to her. - Jeno's words made her freeze for some seconds. She had talked to him when he was in the farm, but in this conversation, she saw a side of him she wasn't expecting. She saw a mature and responsible boy who seemed to really like her daughter.

-I-I understand it. - She says, cleaning her throat. - But it's too soon to think about it in a so serious way. Look, I'm not forbidden you from dating, okay? I just think that it's too soon. You two are together... for less than a year, if I'm right? - She says and you sigh heavily. - And you have broken up once. She didn't tell me, but I knew it. - Jeno looks away, clenching his teeth. - She and Julian were together for about 3 years, and they are not together anymore. Actually, for what I knew, he and that other girl he brought to the farm are no longer together as well. What does make you sure you two won't break up and she will be there alone in a different country without her family because of you? - Your mom says, and you feel your anger starting to grow.

-Don't take Julian as an example. Jeno and I are different! He wouldn't do what Julian did. Don't treat me like a kid. I know how to take care of myself. Even in a different country. You always said Julian would be good to me and that I should be with him, but you were wrong! - You say in a higher tone and your mom straightens her eyes.

-So that's what this is about? You want to prove me wrong? Do you want to get revenge of me? - She says and you scoff.

-You are not listening to anything I'm saying! It's about us, and nothing else. - You say, but then, you feel Jeno's arm pulling you back.

You and your mom cross the arms, sighing heavily. Just like you expected, this is not an easy subject. Jeno and your dad glance at each other, afraid of saying anything in the middle of this war.

-Let's calm down first. - Your dad says, and you look away. - Honey, Y/n knows how to deal with her life. She is already an adult to take her own decisions. And Jeno seems to be sure of that too. - He says and Jeno nods.

-Absolutely, sir. But I would like to have your permission. - He says and your mom runs her hands on her face.

-What are you going to say to your grandfather, ugh? What would your grandmother think if she wasn't gone? How much do you think she would miss you? - Your mom says, and you look at her with teary eyes.

-My grandmother? You don't know about my relationship with grandma. Do you know what she told me when she was in her last minutes? Do you know her last words for me? - You say while you mom looks at you deep in the eyes. - She told me that I always give so much and never let myself receive back. That I shouldn't give up on love because I deserve it. - You say and your mom stays silent. - So, if she was here with us now, I'm sure she would support me, mom.

-I know she wanted you to find love. I want that for you too, Y/n. But it's always like that. We always think we will be with that person forever. That's why we date. - Your mom says, and you roll your eyes. - When we are dating, we are knowing each other. We take slow steps. Don't act like you are married, because you aren't. - She says and Jeno looks at her.

-Is not being married the problem? I can marry her, if that means we can be together. - Jeno says and your dad chokes on his own saliva, starting to cough hardly.

-COUGH, COUGH. Oh, Jesus Christ. - Your dad says, and you widen your eyes at Jeno.

-Jeno... - You whisper, slightly glaring at him.

-What...? - He whispers back, shrugging.

-Let's not... make decisions based on pressure, okay? - Your dad says and puts his hand on top of your mother's, whispering at her so you and Jeno wouldn't listen. - Honey, you can see that they are serious. No matter what we say, they are gonna go. It's better if we give them our approval than to let them go with resentment. It's gonna be okay. Grandpa will understand. - He whispers to your mom, and she sighs. - Jeno is a good guy, and he is gonna take care of Y/n, right? - He says, looking at Jeno and he nods firmly. Your dad looks at your mom again, waiting for her answer. She hesitates for some seconds and nods.

-Alright. You have our permission. - She says and you smile widely, looking at Jeno.

It was a difficult conversation. You knew it would be. But in the end, everything was fixed. You and Jeno stayed there a little bit more, until late at night. Even if at first your mom was reluctant about that, she started to accept it as the day went by. There's nothing she could say. She can see you are in love. It was the first time you really stood up for yourself, and Jeno was the reason for your growth and maturity.

Sitting outside, you and Jeno enjoy some time alone, stargazing on the swing bench. Your laughs could be heard from the living room's door, where your mom watched you with a slight smile on her face. Feeling an arm involving her waist, she looks at her side, seeing your dad standing beside her.

-She is no longer a little girl. - Your dad says, and she chuckles.

-Indeed. - She says back. - I thought you would be against it. - She says after a few seconds, and your dad sighs, looking up.

-I know, right? If it was some time ago, it would happen. - Your dad says. - But after the summer games, I noticed that we actually don't know the answer for everything in this world. - Your mom looks at him again. - I didn't listen to her in the past and forced her to stay with Julian for so long, without knowing how she felt. That day, she talked to me honestly for the first time. She told me about her dreams. She told me she wanted to make her own choices. And she told me he was the one who supported her in all of this. - He says and your mom looks back at you, laying your head on Jeno's shoulder who kindly let a kiss on the top of it.

-Yes, I know. It was my fault too. I think I'm the one who is not ready to see her going away. - Your mom says, and your dad chuckles.

-Do you know what grandma told me the day she passed away? - Your dad asks and your mom frowns, shaking her head. - ''If you hold someone's hand too tightly, they will want to let go. Sometimes we are doing what's best for us instead of trusting on who we love.'' I thought she was talking we should let her go, but maybe she had already felt what was happening between Y/n and us.

-That's so her. - Your mom jokes, and your dad chuckles. He looks back at her and smiles.

-If we forced her to go to Singapore, she would not want to come back to us. - He says and your mom sighs deeply.

-You're right. - She agrees, turning to him and going on her tiptoes, giving him a peck on the lips. - Thank you for helping me to be a better mom for her. 

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