If You Were Mine - Chapter 47

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-Look, if you are still feeling tense about it, why don't we practice a bit? – You ask and he arches his eyebrows.

-Right now? Here? – He asks surprised and you nod.

-Sure. Why not? We can find a good place where we are alone and we can rehearse it a couple of times. – You say and Jeno smiles.

-Okay then. Let's do it. – He says holding your hand.

          You take him to another place in the garden. A pretty and wide place where you can practice without anyone interrupting you. Jeno plays the song on his cellphone and drops it on the floor. The song starts and you two look at each other, already in the character. His arms and legs move smoothly like he has control of each muscle in his body. The beats increase when his touch finally meets you. You two get in sync while you focus on remembering the steps. Your serious and focused face melts in a playful smile when he looks in your eyes and winks.

-You shouldn't flirt with me while we are dancing this. – You say as the song still plays.

-And why not? – He asks in a low voice tone. The one which intention you know pretty well.

-Because if you do, I will lose my concentration and will forget the movements. – You say and he chuckles. Leaving his character, he walks over you and you look at him with a confused face seeing him not dancing the choreography anymore.

-Don't stop. Keep going. – He says and you continue. He stops behind you, holding your arms and getting his body close to yours. He copies your movements leading you as you get shivers by the proximity. His lips go down to your ear. – You don't need concentration. Your body knows what to do. I want you to just dance with me. – He says, but maybe this is an only-dancers thing because now your mind went blank and your legs feel weak. His hands slide to your waist. – Right. Left. Right. Right. Spin... – He leads you as his hot and heavy breath hits your ear. – Relax... - He says and you breathe deeply deciding to stop trying to focus and just enjoying the time with him.

          Your body becomes lighter and your movements smoother. Jeno smiles loosening his grip and letting you do it by yourself. He was actually right. You were so focused on doing everything perfectly that your body was stiff and your face was serious.
          The song ends and you turn around to look at him with a smile.

-You were right. I was worrying more about the performance instead of feeling it. – You say getting closer to him.

-Don't worry if you get something wrong. Just enjoy the dance and you will do it right. – He says and you smile.

-And you, just be yourself and they will like you for sure. – You say placing a kiss on his cheek. He chuckles pulling you for a hug. His face dives on your hair. Taking a deep breath, you feel his shoulders going up and relaxing right after. – You are incredible, Jeno. Always remember that. – You say caressing his hair with your nails.

-Thank you, Y/n. – He says still hidden on you. – I couldn't do it without you. – You giggle seeing how cute he sounds right now. Just like a baby.

-What are you talking about? Of course you could do it without me. – You joke and he pulls away looking at you.

-No, I'm serious. I was very nervous, and when we talk about it with our professors or choreographers, they don't make it any better, nor my partners. My mom tries to make me calmer as well, but normally she can't be there to understand how it is. – He says while you look at him. – But whenever I talk to you, you always know what to say. – He chuckles. – I always get better when I talk to you. You make me a better person. That's why I'm thanking you. – He says sincerely, letting you in a awe. You didn't know this is how he fells when talking to you.

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