Change of plans - Chapter 15

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-Uhm... Y/n... - She calls your name and you look at her with a confused face. Why does she look so scared? - Today's university newspaper is out. And you are here again. Look. - She says showing you her cellphone and you widen your eyes. 

            "FROM CHEATED TO CHEATER. Y/n was caught with mysterious boy outside the campus." You read on the tittle. At the first page were pictures of you and Jeno hugging each other last Friday when he had just saved you from that man. You stand up, completely shocked. Jeno unlocks his cellphone, quickly searching for it. Seeing the pictures and the tittle, he looks at you worried. Even though his face was not showing, he feels his heart aching. He knows Rylee must be behind this and that she is trying everything to end with your reputation. 

-But... But this is a lie! - You say looking at the phone. 

-Look, it's her! She was all dramatic because Julian cheated on her and now, she cheated on her boyfriend. What a liar. - Some girls whisper while passing by. You feel your blood boiling. How could they do this to you? Right in a moment when you were scared and fighting for your life. 

            Without saying anything you take your things and leave the table, letting your friends confused behind. Jeno quickly grabs his stuff too, following you. 

-Y/n! What are you gonna do? - He shouts while following you. Your feet hit the floor with rage while you walk towards the journal's office. 

-I'm gonna slap that slut's face and tell her to take this article out of there. - You say walking while people glance at you. Jeno grabs your arm, making you stop. 

-Calm down first. Don't do something you're gonna regret again. - He says and you look at him, remembering when you fought with Rylee. You sigh deeply, letting your shoulders relax. 

-Yeah, you're right. - You say. Jeno lets go of your arm and caresses your shoulder. -I'm gonna go there with you. We can talk to them and tell them to take it off there. - Jeno says and you nod. 

            Getting at the newspaper center, at the main hall, you show your cellphone to the girl dropping it on her desk. She looks up at you pushing her tongue on her cheek. 

-What do you think you are doing? Take it off now! - You say looking at her in the eyes. 

-What I am doing? I'm just giving people information, sweetie. Bear the consequences of your acts. - She says and you scoff. Some people who were passing by stop to look at you two. 

-Giving information? This is a lie! I was not cheating on my boyfriend! You took pictures of me without my consent. - You say pointing at the cellphone.

 -Oh. I'm so sorry. I'll make sure to ask your permission next time. Too late that everybody already knows by now. - She says crossing her arms. 

            You take a deep breath to not make anything you would regret. Even if she takes it off the journal, everybody already read the article and is talking about you now. You feel a pressure on your chest. Rylee played dirty this time and you don't know what to do. All you can hear are people's comments: "She is a cheater, after all." "She deserved what Julian did to her." "What if Julian hasn't really cheated on her?" "What a liar. She just wanted to catch all the boys. Haha."
            You bite your lips, feeling tears forming in your eyes. Jeno sighs deeply and slams the table, making a loud sound and everybody at the hall looks at him. Maya and Jaemin, who heard about the confusion, get there. 

-I want to let something very clear here. The boy in the pictures is me. - He says and the crowd makes an "000h" sound. You quickly look at him with widened eyes. You pull his arm, making him look at you.

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