Talks, Kisses and Stars - Chapter 52

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-Let's sneak out then. - He answers.

          You two, then, leave the house. You run in front of him, spinning and taking a deep breath of that clean, fresh and relaxing air. Jeno chuckles, watching you as he walks closer. You sit on the floor on the grass. Some of the lights are still on, not letting it completely dark. Jeno sits beside you looking over where your eyes are laying on. His eyes shine seeing so many stars up that black mass of sky.

-Beautiful, isn't it? - You say.

-Yes, it is. - He answers. Hearing a sound, he looks at you seeing you lying down. He does the same, looking at those millions of sparkling points.

-I always wanted to do this. Sneak out in the middle of the night and watch the stars. But at the same time in my thoughts, it was always nonsense. Now it seems like I've finally found a reason to do so. - You say and he looks at you. His eyes seem to look at something precious, that he doesn't want to lose.

-I was missing you... tonight. - He says and you look at him. - And I couldn't sleep. - You smile and snuggle closer, laying your head on his chest. He opens his arms grinning.

-I was missing you too. – You say giggling. He places a kiss on the top of your head as you drawn circles on his shirt. Everything seems so calm and you can feel his chest going up and down in a relaxed breath. – Are we really cuddling right now? – You ask and he laughs.

-I guess so. – He jokes seeing you taking his hand and putting it in front of yours, comparing the size, just to interlace your fingers seconds later. The feeling of his heat is so good. Especially when he starts caressing your hand. – So, you are not mad that we didn't win the game? – He asks and you stop to think.

-No, I'm not. – You say running your hand on his, drawing the lines of his veins. – You know... I'm no longer thinking about the revenge anymore. It's also weird to me, but... even though we have lost... I feel happier than ever. I don't care about the games. I'm not thinking about anything else right now... - You say looking down while playing with your fingers. Jeno just smiles, feeling his heart flustered.

-Me too. – He says and you look at him. He fixes himself, leaning on his elbow. He puts a strand of hair on the back of your ear, not taking too long to get closer and give you a kiss.

          Again, that slow and affectionate kiss you love so much. You feel him getting closer, trying to deepen the kiss more. You feel yourself lying on the floor as he stays above you on the side of his body. Your stomach rolls when his hand runs through your back until your waist, pulling and pressing you against him. Your hand cups his face and you can't help it when your back arches a bit, wanting to get closer to him as your breaths get irregular.
          Jeno pulls away a bit, opening his eyes and admiring your a little blushed face. You also open your eyes. He is so close. Physically and emotionally. Your hair falls on the grass giving you the most angelical look. And, from your point of view, looking at him from below is even better than you imagined. He smiles. His eyes scan you with the sincerest intimacy you could share with someone. You cup his face, caressing his cheek while the silence between you just makes it calmer.

-You are so beautiful... - He had already said it a couple of times, and you always wonder how can he say it with such facility. What does he find of so beautiful anyway? From your own eyes, you can't see that.

-Why do you say that...? I don't see what you see. - You say smiling at him.

-Too bad. For me you are the most beautiful. Maybe you need some glasses. - He jokes and you laugh. The sound makes his heart warmer seeing you happy.

          You get shy with his words, pushing him by the chest. He grins, lying on the grass beside you again. You lean on your elbows, with your belly on the ground and feet up on the air, looking at him from above. You snuggle closer to peck his face multiple times. Cheek, forehead, the point of his nose, jaw, cheek, lips. He closes his eyes, enjoying the moment.

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