You Or No One Else - Chapter 100

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-Participants Jeno Lee and Sofia Perphyden, please go to the test room. – A female voice announces in a microphone. Jeno glances at Sofia and sighs. There's no time to think. It's now or never.

-Good luck, son. You can do it. – His mom says, pulling him down to kiss him on the forehead.

          Jeno nods and turns around, walking to the test room without looking back. Sofia runs, following him behind. His mom sighs deeply. If it was not for his test, she would have grabbed that girl's neck right there, but for now, she must hold back her anger in order to support him. She takes Yu and goes downstairs to watch Jeno on his test.

          Meanwhile, running like your life depended on that, you get to the building where Jeno is going to do his test. You take some seconds to catch your breath and start to search for the test room.

          Reading the scrimption on the door, you find a room written "Joffrey audition". Your heart starts to beat faster when you stepped in. The place was not so big. Some people were watching the competitors and the judges were sitting facing the stage. You look up there and see Jeno and Sofia. They had just started the performance. You quickly take a seat, not wanting to be noticed. A little ahead, you see Jeno's mom and Yu. You miss them too, but after the way his mom reacted to you at their house, it's better to stay hidden for now.

          Focusing on Jeno, you can see how much effort he put to be there. He looks so handsome and professional. His style is different today. His hair is all way back, accentuating his sharp jaw line. His black blazer gives him a mature look, and at the same time, his white button up shirt, with the first buttons opened, makes him so sexy. Yes, of course you're in love with him, but that's not it. He seems to be at his best, at his apex.

          Even so, something feels off on him. Maybe it's just your impression, or maybe his aura changed purposely for the test, but he seems more serious than usual. When you were practicing together, he always reassured you that the face and body expressions were as important as the choreography itself, but, somehow, the feeling you have is that he is not transpiring romance (the theme of his song). You feel some tension in the air, and that's starting to make you worried. Did something happen between him and Sofia?

          The judges watch in silence, writing now and then some observations in their papers. You pray mentally that he can be accepted. You know how hard he worked. You know how much he wants it. The songs ends and you gulp, feeling nervous. That's the time to hear their opinion. Jeno and Sofia stand on the stage looking at the judges.

-Starting with Sofia Perphyden. – The first judges says and you immediately recognize him. He is the man Sofia paid to be there. – You demonstrated a perfect control of your balance and synchrony with the song. Your movements were fluid, and I could notice your focus on the details. – He says and Sofia smiles proudly. – Congratulations, you got admitted on our institution. – The judge says and Sofia bows, with a proud face. You glance at Jeno, and he didn't show any reaction to that. His face is serious and focused on the judges. You sigh, not liking that news, but the important thing now is Jeno.

-Now, Lee Jeno. – Another judge says. You fix yourself on the seat, trying to listen well. – I admit that we were all looking forward for your test. We heard about you a lot, and you were one of the favorites for this audition. In fact, we could see the reason of your fame. You are a great dancer, with a clear talent ready to be explored. – He says and Jeno nods thanking him. He breathes in deeply, with his hands intertwined in front of him. – However, - The judge says looking at his papers, making Jeno a little nervous. – I believe that unfortunately you weren't in your best shape today. Your movements were stiff, rigid. You seemed to be dancing a war theme song, not a love song. The interpretation is very important on dancing, but you had a big lack on that today. – The judge says, and your heart skips a beat. – Maybe this was caused by an anxiety feeling on the test day. It happens a lot, even with pro dancers. But the thing is, for this theme, we were expecting to see the deepest feelings overflowing from you. It's a powerful song. But you seemed to be running away from her. – He says and Jeno looks down, holding back to not cry out of anger. – I noticed you didn't look at her eyes once during all the performance. I don't know if you two had a personal problem before the test, but this is an examination, where we judge all the details of your performance. So, my final judgement is: you're not approved. Good luck on your next tentative.

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