Changing Your Mind? - Chapter 92

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-Anyways. - You turn to the men in front of you. - Sirs, the conversation was very good. I won't waste too much of with our crazy stories. - You turn to Sofia again. - Good to see you, friend. - You say and walk away.

          You, Maya, Rylee and Jaemin leave the group. Sofia immediately runs after you, stopping you by the arm.

-Do you think I don't know what you are trying to do? Are you out of your mind or something like this? - Sofia asks and you shrug.

-We only told them the truth. You should be thankful that I didn't tell them about Joffrey, but since you are so proud of being the Principal's daughter, maybe your power can make up for your reputation now. - You say and walk away, leaving Sofia behind with her blood boiling.

-The plan is done! - Maya says and you four raise your hands for a high five.

          While you were celebrating, the lights change again, and the music becomes louder.

-IT'S TIME TO DANCE, PEOPLE! - The DJ shouts and the crowd run to the dance floor. Jaemin looks at you, checking you out.

-Wanna dance? - He asks and you chuckle, pulling him to the crowd.

          You four run to the center. The grave of the song bumps loudly making your heart beat faster. The flashlights run crazily, turning on and off with the rhythm while you and the girls laugh, dancing together. How long has it been since you felt this way again? You can't really tell. Is this because of the drinks you took earlier or is it the feeling of freedom after having taught Sofia a lesson for the first time?
          Not so far from there, a pair of eyes observes you minutely. Jeno sighs seeing you, the girls and Jaemin dancing together. If he listened to his most basic instincts right now, he would immediately go there and talk to you. Scream everything that is inside. But that's not how it works. He is chained in that impotent place because you set him there. It makes him angry. So angry. Of not have taken any decision since the beginning. Since when Sofia had betrayed him. And now, everything he can do is watch the girl of his dreams dance with another guy.
          Sofia's eyes come back to him, seeing Jeno looking concentrated at the dance floor, without even blink. Her eyes follow his to the exact place, just to find you. Her chest inflates, trying to contain the amount of jealousy she is feeling. Not only of Jeno, but of everything. Of even after blackmailing and threatening you, you keep stronger as ever. Of even after humiliating her in front of the directors and choreographers, she couldn't do anything about it.

-Let's dance. - Sofia says, grabbing Jeno's hand.

-I don't want. - He says, pulling his hand back.

-Come on! - She whines, pulling him stronger, making him roll his eyes.

          Now, also in the center, with some distance, Sofia starts to dance. ''You can try to attack me, Y/n, but the reality is that I can hurt you even more than you can hurt me.'' Sofia thinks, putting her arms on Jeno's shoulder. Jeno sighs, not feeling like dancing at all, but then, your eyes finally find him in the middle of the crowd. His gaze, directed towards you, makes you stop. He is just right there, but there's a huge ''situation wall'' between you two.
          Sofia smirks. She got noticed by you, just like she wanted. Holding Jeno's arm, she puts it around her waist as she dances, grinding on him, knowing it would make you furious. If she is his girlfriend now, why would he bother looking at you like that? What is he trying to prove? You wonder. If that's the game he wants to play, then you are going to play too.
          You look at Jaemin in front of you. Taking a step closer, you run your hands by his forearm, biceps, shoulder, until his neck. Jaemin eyes focus on you, getting a little surprised by the way you're suddenly acting. Finding that weird, he looks at his side, seeing Jeno and Sofia dancing together, and of course, Jeno's eyes locked on you. He looks at you back and you hesitate. What were you thinking? Using Jaemin like that just to prove your point and not thinking about his feelings. He had just confessed to you some days ago. You take your hand off him, taking a step back, but Jaemin pulls you back by the waist. You bump against his wide chest as he leans his head down.

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