A Heavy Rain - Chapter 115

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"Did he hear what I said?" Rylee asks herself mentally, seeing Jaemin standing with the drinks in his hands, some meters away from her.

-Uhm... Hi! – Rylee says with a smile, but Jaemin didn't smile back.

-Here. Your drink. – He simply says, handing the drink to her. His sudden change of mood had an obvious reason: he had heard what she said on the phone. – Let's go. There's still some stuff to see. – Jaemin turns around, not looking at her in the eyes.

-Hey! – Rylee shouts, pulling him back by the arm. – Did you hear what I was saying on the phone, by any chance? – She asks, but Jaemin doesn't answer. – Look, it was not true, okay? I was talking to my mom. She found out I'm here and wanted to come here to make a scene. I had to say you are not my boyfriend, so she would stay at home. – Rylee says and Jaemin nods.

-I see. No problem. – He says in a low tone, but his eyes still didn't meet hers. – Let's go. – He says again, turning around and walking.

For the rest of the event, Rylee was confused. Jaemin changed water into wine. Or, in better words, wine into water. He seemed like a total different person. He wasn't talking like before, happily and excited. He also wasn't touching her anymore. He used to hold her hand all the time, which at first Rylee found weird, but then she got used to it to even do the same with him. His arm was always around her waist so he could steal kisses now and then. But now, she can clearly see he is mad.

With his hands on his pockets, Jaemin walks around the event with some distance from her. Rylee sighs, rolling her eyes. "Ugh... why is he so mad? I've already explained what it was about. Why is he acting like this?" Strangely, she is feeling something new. She is worried about him being mad, and something inside her wants to fix it, even if herself thinks she didn't do anything wrong.

-I think we can come back. The event will end soon. – Rylee says and Jaemin nods, turning around to go to the parking lot.

Restlessness is bothering her nonstop. Walking to the car, Rylee's heels click on the floor loudly due to the silence between them. She doesn't know what to say to make him come back to normal. Leaving the parking lot with the car, they listen to a strong noise of rain, and they were not wrong. It's pouring a flood out there in a way that didn't happen for months. Great. The air is already tense enough, and now all this rain is falling.

Driving slowly and carefully, Jaemin arrives to the dorms in silence. He glances through the window and sighs heavily. That rain doesn't look like it's stopping now, so it will take too long to wait inside the car.

-Do you have an umbrella? – Jaemin asks and Rylee denies shaking her head.

He clicks his tongue, thinking on what he should do. He takes his jacket off, making Rylee a bit confused, and without any warning, he gets out of the car.

-Hey! Are you crazy? It's raining too much! – Rylee yells seeing him passing by the front of the car and opening her door. – What are you doing?

-Let's go. Put my jacket over your head so you won't get too wet. We can't wait here. The rain won't stop now. – Jaemin says and Rylee sees his hair starting to get wet fast.

Not wasting time, Rylee gets out of the car and they run to the lobby of the dorm. Getting there, Rylee takes the jacket off her, checking if her hair was still perfect. She turns to him, still noticing that his eyes seem to run away from hers.

-Keep the jacket for now. It's too cold. I'm gonna come back to my dorm. – Jaemin says, but Rylee holds his arm.

-Are you gonna run out there like crazy in this rain? You will get soaked. – Rylee says and he sighs, looking at her.

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