You changed everything - Chapter 24

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        Opening the envelope, the boy takes a card and your heart beats fast. – The result is....! – He stops for some seconds to make a mystery. – IT'S A DRAW, EVERYONE! – He says and you scoff. – I can't believe that! You two received the same amount of votes! – He says and the public boos. – Okay, okay! We don't want you to get out of here mad. Let's do something then. – You four look at him curious. – We're gonna start the voting again after hearing a declaration of love! – He says and the students shout louder. You look at Jeno with widened eyes. – Come on. The boys must know why they love their girlfriend. The public will decide who is better. Let's start with Julian. – The boy gives Julian the microphone.

            A silence fills the party. Everybody waiting to see which words Julian is going to say. He looks at Rylee who is standing there and he cleans his throat.

-Uhm... I was not expecting this actually. – Julian laughs nervously. – Lemme see... - He looks at Rylee. – I love Rylee because... Uhm... she is pretty and... she is funny also. We have some things in common. And... - He stops to think. – She... listens to me and I like to be with her. – He says and Rylee looks at him sighing.

-Okay! That's was Julian's confession, guys. Kinda cute. I like it. I don't about you. Let's see in some minutes. – The boy says and turns to Jeno. – Now, it's time for Jeno! – He says and gives him the microphone.

            Jeno gulps, feeling his heart beating fast when he turned to look at you. You look up at him feeling nervous. You shrug and smile, indicating that he doesn't need to care so much about that. Jeno clear his throat and starts.

-Well... I think I can say that I love Y/n because... since I've met her for the first time, she changed my life in some sort of way. – He says looking up while thinking. – She is someone who can make everything around her shine and get lighter. – Jeno says remembering of how you treated his sister and his mom. – When I'm with her, everything looks funnier and worth trying. She taught me a lot in so little time. She is determined and courageous and it always makes me do things that sometimes makes me think "I might be getting crazy." – He chuckles while you stare at him. – But in the end, I never regret anything because I see that she is happy and has this smile on her face. And also, I love to see her dancing. Even more when it's with me, because she looks the prettiest. – Jeno turns to look at you. - I could say it was one of the things that made me fall in love with you. - He says looking at your eyes.

            You look at him not even notice how you are holding your breath. You weren't expecting that, and you don't know how to react. His words let you speechless. Nobody has never said something like that to you, and it makes you heart bump strong inside your chest.
            The public shouts and whistles loudly, but everything looks fazed. Was he just too good with words? Or, perhaps, you were simply too impressed with the feeling of being valued. You stare at his eyes like he could communicate with you mentally. "This is not fair, Jeno." You think. A sudden concern forms colossally. He changed everything. Maybe not in your relationship, but he changed you. Using his words, he opened the door which you were trying to chain.
            Your heart was beating so fast while looking at him, wishing that what he said was true. A sin that you know you shouldn't be committing.
            His intense gaze makes you look down. It's just too much for you. How can he say such words and look at you as if it's real? Is he so cold-hearted or are you the one who gets flustered easily? The confusion messes up with your head while you try to not just walk towards him and wrap him with your arms.

-Girls, girls, I know y'all wish to listen this speech from your soulmate, but control yourselves, please. This one here is already taken. Hahahaha. – The boy says after taking the microphone from Jeno. He slowly walks and stops beside you to wait for the new voting. Sliding his hands on your arm, he holds your hand and you bite your bottom lip, feeling your arm shiver by the contact. - Let's start the voting again, guys! I'm gonna make the countdown. – He says and everybody takes their cellphone. Julian and Rylee stare at you with an evil look. – 10! 9! 8! – The boy starts to count and you wiggle your eyebrows looking at Rylee. – 3! 2! 1! Stop! – The boy says and the voting ends. You look at Jeno and he smiles, feeling confident. – Now, let's see here... - The boy says taking his cellphone to see the results. – With 98% of the votes... the winner is....! – You four look at the boy with all your concentration, and also the public stays silent, feeling very curious. – Y/N AND JENO! - He says and you widen your eyes. The public screams loudly, cheering for you two. You look at Jeno smiling widely, jumping on him and passing your arms around his neck. Rylee scoffs crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. – Congratulations! I think this award really suits you two, especially after Jeno's confession. Right, guys? – He asks and the students shout and whistle. – So now, let's continue the party, guys. We still have all night long! – He says and the loud music starts to play again.

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